"Oh, hey." You heard Dean say, their voices getting closer and no doubt leading Richie into your shared room. "Have you met Y/N?"

"Y/N," Richie pondered, and you couldn't stand the way your name sounded coming out of his mouth. 

The bathroom door opened and you stood wide eyed staring back at the eldest Winchester. "Why are you in here with the door not shut?"

You opened your mouth to reply, but Sam beat you to it. "Dean, seriously? What is he/she/they were using the bathroom? Or changing?"

"I'm sure it'd be a sight to see." Richie piped up from his place behind Dean, just getting a glimpse of you from over his shoulder. 

You scowled, shouldering passed Dean and walking right up to Sam. You lean in my his head, looking to the other two men to be kissing his cheek and whisper. "Just play along, please?"

You kissed the corner of Sam's mouth before turning around and pretending to see Richie for the first time. "Hey, I don't think we've met. I'm Y//N, Sam's partner."

Richie's gaze slid over your body and you fought the urge to squirm before it looked to Sam. "Got you a nice one, didn't ya?"

Dean was staring at you with a dumbfound expression and Sam's momentary shock disappeared enough for him to wrap an arm around your waist and offer a polite smile back to Richie. "Oh, the best."

"Well, boys, and Y/N. I'll be heading out. Maybe see you out in town." Richie saluted and winked at you, making you grimace. "See you later."

After the door closing behind Richie, Sam's arm slides from off your hips and he steps in front of you beside his brother, both with quizzical looks.

"What was that?" Dean asked.

You sighed, sitting back on the bed next to your laptop. "I didn't want him to think I was single and hit on me. I heard the way you guys were talking about women. I didn't want him to make some kind of comment like that about me."

Dean scoffed. "What made Sam so special?"

"Really, Dean?" Sam turned on his brother, a not amused look on his face. 

"I mean," You blushed a little. "To be fair Dean, you flirt with everyone. No one would think you actually settled down into a relationship."

Sam chuckled and Dean glared at you. "That is not true."

"Oh, it is." Sam agreed, laughing.


The three of you decide to head out to a bar to inquire about anyone possibly linked to the case. You trailed along the boys, Dean grinning like a kid in a candy shop at every woman that even batted an eye at him while Sam stayed with you, frowning at every person who bumped into him.

Your eyes found Richie rather quick, frowning immediately when his gaze met your own. You casually looked away, tucking into Sam's side and wrapping an arm around his waist.

Sam looked down at you curiously before looking back up and scanning the bar. When his gaze found Richie's, he put an arm around your shoulders.

"Hey, Richie." Dean greeted as the man walked up to the three of you.

Richie grinned at you before looking between you and Sam. "God, Sam, how'd you manage to pull one like that?"

You scowled at him, but Sam chuckled a little nervously. "I still have no idea."

"I think I'm the lucky one." You added, hoping to speak so highly of Sam that Richie ceases hitting on you. "I mean, look at Sam. He's ridiculously smart, and absolutely gorgeous."

"Well, while you all chat about how gorgeous my brother is, I'm going to investigate the bartender." Dean interrupted, shooting the bartender one of his 'take me home' looks.

You look away from Richie as he filled Sam in on who the three of you were looking for. You noticed a little commotion over at the pool table and when a flash of metal meets your eye, you tug on Sam's hand, pointing it out.

The man shoots the man in front of him before he turned the gun on himself. Dean quickly tackled the man to the ground and Sam untangled himself from you to help his brother, throwing holy water on the man. 

The man sputtered, looking up at Sam from his place on the floor. "What are you doing? He slept with my wife!"

You looked up, shouting. "Someone call 9-1-1!"


Later, you and Sam are sitting at the stools of the bar, waiting on Dean to come back. He left earlier in the night to look fro Richie and neither you nor Sam knew where he went. A bartender gave you the address of the woman Dean went out with, but both of you had decided to wait just a little bit longer before heading out to see if he was there.

A woman at the end of the bar kept making eyes at Sam, but he was mostly ignoring her, the same way she was obviously ignoring you. You felt a little protective, almost jealous; you definitely did not want Sam going with her, even if you knew he wouldn't.

You wrapped a gentle arm around Sam's, tugging his hand to rest of your thigh and leaned over, whispering in his ear. "I think the woman over there wants to take you home." 

Sam shifted a little in his seat, hand sliding higher on your leg. "Oh, yeah?"

You nodded, leaning back and offering him a wide grin. "Why don't we get out of here?"

The lady at the end of the bar scoffed, eyeing Sam's hand on your thigh before turning away to find new prey. You take his hand in your own, leading him out of the bar, but not before glancing over your shoulder and blowing a kiss at the lady eyeing Sam.

Sam can't help but laugh as the door swings shut behind the two of you. "We're not actually a couple, you know."

You grinned, leaning into his side, still holding his hand in yours. "Yeah, I know. But if we're going to be fake dating, I might as well act the part. And that means making sure prostitutes know you are very much off the market."

Sam hummed, a smile on his face.


The two of you found Dean later, Sam and Dean doing most of the killing before you could even get your knife out. The three of you climbed back in the Impala, you in the back with the boys up front. You leaned up in between their seats, forearms on the back of the seat and glanced at Sam. 

"Sam, I know we've only been dating for like, seven hours, but I think we should break up." You teased.

Sam put a hand on his chest, mouth dropping open in mock-hurt. "Oh, Y/N, you're breaking my heart!"

Dean scoffed, mouth turning up in amusement as he watched the two of you. You pat Sam's shoulder, shaking your head. "I know, I know. I'm the best you've ever had, and ever will have, but sometimes separation is good for the soul."

At this, the two of you meet gazes and there's a beat of silence before you both bust out in laughter. 

Dean shook his head, reaching up to start the car. "What is wrong with the two of you?"

Thank you for the request, so sorry for the delay in updating! :)

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