The clips showed Minho following the anonymous man but keeping a distance.

"He must know about this case then." Changbin was for sure not expecting that.

"He's our only person to get information on this. Let's head to his house. Don't get so distracted by Felix if he's there though. We're still technically on the clock." Jisung teased the older as they quickly left the bar.

"Hey! How could I not give him all my attention . . ." Changbin pouted.

The day was still not over as it was only now the afternoon.

Making it to the three vampire's house.

The two humans knocked on the door a few times before someone took their sweet time answering the door.

Jisung's heart once again couldn't stop running laps anticipating who was going to open the door. He was glad his heart monitor watch was on silent.

"Jisung? Binnie?" Felix was the one who answered, looking at the two back and forth confused but soon a bright smile was seen.

"Yeah, came here to interrogate your brother." Changbin watched his freckled boyfriend practically tackle the other human with a hug. "None for me?!" Pouting.

"No~." Felix let go of Jisung and made his way to his boyfriend. "You get kisses." He giggled before planting a gentle kiss on Changbin's cheek, the couple blushing red.

"I'll accept that." Changbin refused the eye contact.

Felix once again giggled and reattached himself to Jisung.

"What the hell? Why are you two here?" A voice had came from inside the house and all three turned to see Minho shocked.

He wasn't expecting the two humans at his doorstep, let alone Jisung.

While Jisung mentally cursed at himself for his heart beating against his chest once his eyes met with the vampire.

"We need your help for an investigation." He holds out a packet containing the victim's portrait photos and information.

"Why do you need my help?" Minho cautiously took the packet from Jisung.

"Because you could possibly be our only lead to who the murder might be." Jisung exclaims. "Did you possibly see his face? Were you one that beaten the murder?" He rambled on questions.

"You can't continue a case like this, I'm not telling you anything." Minho walked away with the packet, leading Jisung chasing after him.

"Wait! Why won't you tell me?" The younger human attempted to grasp the packet but Minho pulled it away before he could.

"Because the murder was a vampire and if cops get involved with a vampire, they get killed. Now stay out of it." Minho tossed the packet in the trash.

Jisung quickly dug through the trash, now understanding why cops randomly go missing.

"I can't just let this case go. My boss can be resigned if no cases are closed. This is also an opportunity for me to become a detective." Jisung knew the trouble that he could face but he wanted this job.

"Go grab another case." Minho stubbornly continued to refuse.

"Minho is right, you two can get into serious trouble with the council too." Felix locked his arm with Changbin, worried for the two.

"He murdered someone, someone's lover or friend or family member. No criminal should be let go." Jisung didn't want a murder walking around that could be planning their next victim.

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