𝟔𝟔- 𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 (𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠)

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Suna pov:

Well apparently I'm back at the apartment after the things that had happened after the training camp. I'm still sad after what happened to the hag, who wouldn't? hell even that Aina bitch called me through the phone crying saying that it's so sad after hearing that the most womanly hero she's ever known died and I blame it to myself...but my dad said that I should get some of my things before moving into his house. After she was buried he convinced me to come back here, I can still remember how he put the ring on her finger even though she's dead. If I could I would never come back to this place ever again makes me feel like I just killed somebody, the most important person in my fucking life who raised me, I killed her.

I opened the door and wondered why I thought that someone was waiting for me to eat dinner with her...eating spicy foods. I just rushed to my room and didn't care if I bumped into some shit which is most likely broken now by me.

I was packing some of my things when I saw some paper above the table

I have never seen this before... I opened it and saw her handwriting

Dear Suna,

You might say this is my last letter. I'm sorry if you are reading this. I know that this would happen but I never thought that I'm going to die someday. Are you okay? Are you injured? I'm writing this as Katsuki told me to make myself calm after I was typically raging that the police couldn't find you while you are still kidnapped. I'm sorry if I couldn't cook you spicy f/c again,  I'm sorry if I ruined your plan of having a family you deserve just because I'm gone. I still remember that time when you said 'fuck' as your first word and its fucking funny. Don't feel bad that I died protecting you, don't you ever blame yourself I died or else I'll haunt you as a ghost. I told Chameleon that you can inherit my Dynamight merch. I'm happy that she was okay with it. I'm sorry I'm giving you Dynamight merches again in exchange for the things that I couldn't give you. You must be tired of it somehow and I'm sorry about that. I'm really sorry that you have to read this. As a parent and as a hero, I would risk my life saving people. I'm just glad that I got to save you. I'm sure any parent or hero would do that to risk their lives to save people even if their life is at cost. I'm sure people told you this but right now in this paper I'm asking you, can you take care of your father for me? I'll be there watching over the two of you even when you become a hero and have a family and kids. Well this paper is almost fucking full I don't know what you want to do with this, burnt it or some shit I don't care, I'm dead anyways. I promise when I'm alive in another life I'll be a good mother to you Suna, I may have broken many promises to you but I promised myself that I would take care of you even if it cost my life, I'm just glad I did it.

From, hag

"You fucking hag stop making me fucking cry!!" I said as I wiping my tears with my sleeves but it just kept flowing

Bakugou pov:

"Did he read it?" I said to myself as I also held my letter in hand about to read it again

Dear Katsuki,

Hello I don't know why I'm writing this but you said I should calm myself so I did at some point. I'm also making Suna a letter after this, would you mind making him read it for me? I mean you two wouldn't read those letters anyways if I'm alive, sorry. Why did I say that I'm going to die or some shit? Because I'm going to kill that bitch and if some point I'll die then I have the things I want to say to the both of you here at the letters, omg I'm so fucking smart. Sorry if I broke our promise, sorry if I left you alone I just don't want to feel like a burden to you by being pregnant. After of what happened with Deku with Uraraka when their kid died and you become the no 1 hero at some point which I guess you where very angry about, tell to Midoriya that I'm going to be taking care of the child for him. I love you, don't fucking forget that if you do I'll haunt you in your dreams. I'm already regretting those bad things I did to you back in highschool where I said that I will never like someone like you because your egoistic, arrogant and fucking mean but it looks like I lied because I love you for the things that is you. I am not a fucking masochist stfu. Please take care of him and help him become the hero he always wanted, just like Dynamight. I love you both so fucking much that I just want to fucking marry you but the thing is I couldn't because I'm fucking dead and I'm sad about it. PS I also love that dick and I'm sorry I gave you some marks which the employees fucking saw during photoshoot, but you forgive me right?

From, Y/n

I looked up and saw him running about to go downstairs

"Dad, I got my things" he said to me as he held his suitcase

"Yeah lets go"

"Can we go to Mom's? I mean Chameleon's agency. I need to get the Dynamight merch there.."

"Are you fucking serious? Those shit are a fucking ton!"

"Hey, those aren't shit, it literally had your face in it! I'm still shocked that you're my dad but I'm glad and I also saw that you have a letter, is it from the hag?"

"Yeah, that last letter of hers was shit"

"I fucking cried when I read mine"

"Your just as fucking dramatic as your mom, crying over little shits"

"Hey your eyes have waters in it too!"

"It was just fucking sweaty!"

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