Chapter 26 - The Story

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"Can you describe my master's daughter?" Lucas asks, prompting the three maids to smile and nod.

"Oh, you should have seen his imperial highness's little daughter. She's incredibly cute and the most energetic lady we've ever cared for," the first maid says as Lucas takes a bite of pudding, nodding in agreement.

"But sometimes, the lady can be... what's that word again?" the first maid looks to the others for help.

"Anyway, the lady has never left the villa since she was born. His imperial highness forbids her from interacting with other noble children her age," the second maid explains.

"That's why she sometimes rebel with his imperial highness's decisions," the third maid adds.

"The lady is really nice and sweet to everyone except his imperial highness," the first maid says as Lucas listens.

"Does... does my master's daughter hate her own father?" Lucas asks, causing the three maids to fall silent.

"Well... kind of," the first maid responds cautiously.

"I know it's not right to gossip about the lady and his imperial highness, but... we feel sorry for her after they had a big fight," the second maid confesses.

"A fight between my master and his daughter? What caused it?" Lucas inquires.

"Well, it happened about a week ago, on the lady's birthday," the first maid begins.

"The lady, for the first time, asked his imperial highness if she could leave the villa and meet people her own age. She's been lonely ever since she was born," the first maid explains.

"She's always been surrounded by adults and has never had the chance to meet other kids her age. I understand her desire; she just wants someone to play with," the first maid adds.

"But his imperial highness didn't even hesitate; he immediately said 'no' to the lady," the first maid continues.

"And then what happened?" Lucas asks, still munching on the pudding.

"The lady begged in front of his imperial highness. She said that if she couldn't meet other kids her age, she just wanted to go for a walk outside the villa gates," the second maid explains.

"And master refused?" Lucas asked, receiving nods from the three maids.

"His imperial highness didn't allow the lady to leave, which made her very upset. She even said she hated him," the third maid reveals.

"And that's where it all began," the second maid adds.

"At that time, his imperial highness wasn't in the best mood as he was dealing with problems from the monster invading the south and then here comes the lady who expressed her hatred for his imperial highness," the second maid explains.

"And the lady chose the wrong moment to say those things to his imperial highness," the second maid remarks.

"So, what happened exactly? Why did she run away?" Lucas presses.

"As we mentioned before, when the lady expressed her hatred for his imperial highness, it angered him," the first maid explains.

"And when his imperial highness said something he shouldn't have, I don't know why, but even though it wasn't directed at me or anyone else present, I know for sure that it hurts the lady's feelings," the first maid adds.

"Okay, but what did master say to his daughter?" Lucas persists.

"Well, his imperial highness said that if the lady hates him, then he hates her too," the third maid reveals.

"But it didn't stop there. His imperial highness told the lady that he wishes she had never been born," the first maid adds, surprising Lucas.

"And don't forget, his imperial highness even said that if the lady hadn't been born, then her mother might still be alive today," the second maid chimes in, with the other maids nodding in agreement.

"Master said that to his daughter?" Lucas exclaims, visibly shocked.

"He did. His imperial highness said it right in front of the lady," the first maid confirms.

"Everyone was there. We all saw what happened a week ago, and it even occurred on the lady's birthday," the first maid adds.

"What did master's daughter say after she heard what master said to her?" Lucas inquires.

"What do you think? The lady was speechless, and even his imperial highness was taken aback by his own words and action," the first maid explains.

"That moment, when his imperial highness realized what he had said to the lady, he looked incredibly sorry. He even knelt before her to apologize, but the lady immediately ran away and locked herself in her bedroom," the maid recounts.

"For the next two days, his imperial highness stayed outside the lady's door, knocking and pleading for forgiveness. But the lady never opened the door or spoke to him, until it was time for his imperial highness to leave the villa," the maid continues.

"The day his imperial highness had to depart, the lady finally come out from her room. At first, we thought she might be willing to reconcile with him, but we were mistaken," the maid concludes.

"When his imperial highness saw the lady finally come out from her bedroom, his highness was sad and was hoping that the lady would see him off or at least speak to him. But the lady just stared at him," the maid recounts.

"Then, she calmly walked away. She didn't even acknowledge his imperial highness; she just left as if nothing happened," the maid continues.

"His imperial highness looked so sad, hurt, and maybe even regretful when he realized the lady was ignoring him," the maid adds, while Lucas listens intently.

"I understand now. So that's why master's daughter ran away from home," Lucas concludes, as the three maids nod in agreement.
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