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Haha. Focc
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Narrator's Perspective

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Narrator's Perspective.
inside the room where (Y/N) gathered her subordinates; Nashefa, Yuen, Abiguil, Fyodor and Rafhaeil, everyone stares at the girl with questioning eyes. not grasping the reason to why are they suddenly hauled here as if (Y/N) was panicking.

Nashefa grasps (Y/N)'s hands and smiled, saying her support to the girl. it somehow calmed (Y/N)'s nerves, thanks to her. she was getting troubled to the fact that she's getting close to leaving so suddenly, meaning; her obstacles would worsen to the point of death. if a simple mistake is made, she'll lose not only her life, but also the lives of people around her. it was a selfish decision, but selfishness is what she has so why not use it?

the death of her friends affected her, both mentally and emotionally, so now, her usual calm hands tremble even at the slightest touch, her mind making up thoughts like 'don't get too close because they'll leave you one day', her heart had gotten soft, but still steel.  

experiencing a trauma when you don't expect it the most would leave a scar no matter how long you wait. in (Y/N)'s case, she's scared to grow more attached in the fear of them losing it in her grasp once again.

"what are we doing here?" Fyodor asked whilst he has his pinky twisting inside his ear, pulling it out with a nasty sound before sniffing it. "fuck, i need a bath." he said and immediately retreated his nose from his finger.

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