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Error walks past Sans and heads up the stairs. Reaper follows as they both hear Sans and Papyrus taking quietly to each other.

Error doesn't spare either of them a thought as he walks down the hallway until he opens a door to a room.

His room.

Error walks over to his old desk and takes out the bottom drawer.

He reaches his skeletal hand underneath it and grabs a piece of paper that had been taped to the bottom.

He blows the dust off of it so that he can read the words.

"You guys never even touched any of my stuff, huh?" Error says. "If you did, you probably would have found this"

He hands it to Reaper.

It's a letter...

From Geno.

Reaper opens it and begins to read it.

To whomever finds this letter

If you're reading this... I'm sorry. Here goes nothing...

I can't do this anymore.

I'm tired of living off of borrowed time in a world that I don't even belong in, literally.

I'm tired of everybody worrying about me like I'm actually important when in reality, I feel the farthest from 'important'. Im tired of always feeling like a burden. I'm tired of all this self loathing, this guilt, this regret.

I'm just...


I want to disappear. I want my family never to have to worry about or even think about me again. I want to die.

But I can't do that.

If I do that, then my partner will know immediately. He's the one who's job it is to take people's souls when they die. Imagine having to reap your own husband's soul because he commuted suicide. I just... I can't do that to him.

Heh, he'd probably drag my sorry ass out of hell anyway if I did that. Yeah... he would definitely do that.

Luckily, I might have another option that involves disappearing... and my determination.

Reaper stares at the letter with blank and empty eyes.

He collapses onto the ground, his legs folding underneath him. He doesn't let go of the letter, though, clutching it in his hands, his magical tears falling onto it.


Shadows cascade along the ground spreading outwards from Reaper. Inky tendrils of shadow crawl up the walls and cover the ceiling until the room is completely enveloped in darkness.

Reaper pulls the hood of his cloak over his head.

"I'm so sorry, my love..." His voice sounds echo-y, almost like he's speaking from an ethereal dimension.

Error walks over to Reaper and tries to touch his shoulder consolingly.

Reaper's shadows explode in a wave of force from his body that pushes Error back.

"What the hell?!"

Error takes a long look at Reaper.

He sighs.

Error cautiously walks over to Reaper again and sits down beside him.

After a few moments, Reaper leans on Error, laying his hooded head on his shoulder.

Error sighs and puts an arm around Reaper.

After a few hours of them sitting in silence while Reaper cries silently, the shadows finally magically clear up on their own.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Reaper asks Error.

"Because if I told you what I was planning to do... you would have stopped me"



"Error..." Reaper looks up at Error with empty eye sockets with shadows spilling out of them horrifyingly. "Never EVER break your promise again. Don't even do anything like that ever again" Reaper says. "I... I don't think I can go through that a second time... I barely even handled it these past years..."

This moment...

Is when Error realizes how much he hurt Reaper.

When he realizes how much Reaper loved him, and how much he broke his soul when he disappeared.

"You told me you're going to fix me... well I'm going to fix you, too. I'll try to find all of the pieces and put them back together. I promise"
Error says as he pulls Reaper close into an embrace.

Error feels Reaper completely relax in his arms for the first time in fourteen years.

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