A Visit From Death

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"Hey, Geno"

"Ugh. What do you want, Death?" Geno responds annoyedly as he shoots Reaper a glare.

"I think you know the answer to that question"

"Well I ain't dead yet, so go find another soul to reap"

"Aww... pity"

"Why are you still here? Aren't there other souls to reap?"

"Nah, it's my day off. Papyrus is takin' my shift"

"You still didn't answer my question. Why are you still here?"

"I wanted to pay my favorite mortal a visit!" Reaper says cheerfully, floating a few feet above the ground. "Is that so bad?"


"C'mon, Geno, don't be like that"

"Am I really that interestin' to ya?"

"Kinda, yeah. I mean you're the only mortal who's ever stared me in the eye and survived, which is hot, by the way"

Geno stares blankly at Death for a few moments, unblinking. A light blue blush slowly dusts his cheek bones as he begins to process Reaper's strange flirt.

"If you keep annoying me, I'm gonna wish I hadn't survived"

"Good to know, and will do"


Geno sighs

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