Death is a perv

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"Ugh. What do you want, Death? My soul? 'Cuz you can't have it"

Reaper chuckles deeply.

"Oh... I want more than just your soul this time..." Reaper says with a lustful look in his eye sockets.

Reaper grabs Geno's wrists and slams him into the wall behind him.

"I want you 🖤"

Geno's eyes widen as he realizes what exactly Reaper is implying.

Geno considers letting Reaper do whatever he wants...

Hell no.

Geno knees Reaper in the nuts.


Reaper doubles over, clutching his nuts in his hands.

"PERV!" Geno shouts. "Jeezuz Christ, Death. Just because you're a god doesn't mean you can pull a Zeus and fuck whoever you want when you want" Geno says. "At least ask me out first..." he mumbles audibly as he walks away, hiding his deep blue blushing face in his scarf.

Gods... that was hot. Reaper thinks to himself.

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