Chapter 17: Dereks Ex

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I just need to be alone. I need to handle my thoughts. I don't want him near me because it's not his fault I feel this way.

I barely sleep that night. My insomnia, me crying, not having Derek, and other things. I get out of bed at 5 am. Not knowing Derek is sitting outside my house. Not because he is in pain but because he is trying to protect me because he has no idea where Niklaus is.

I walk into my bathroom and look at myself in the mirror so disgusted with myself. I sigh leaning over I start the shower. I strip down stepping in. Letting the cold water trickle down. I stay in there for an hour getting clean before I get out. I get dressed putting on sweat pants and my StarWars shirt. I go downstairs and start the coffee maker as I sit on the couch.

a week passes and I get enough courage. I grab my backpack and head to Derek's. As soon as I get there the entire pack is there. I walk inside and I see Derek sitting on the steps reading. Damon is flirting with him but Derek is ignoring it. Derek looks up at me. Slight tears in his eyes he stands up walking over to me. He goes to hug me but I back up shaking my head. "Stiles."

"can we not please." is all I whisper. I can smell the pain off him

"I need to know what I did stiles... how I can make this up to you."

"you didn't do anything therefore you cant Derek."

"Can we talk please... bedroom?"

"What is there to talk about."

"Stiles. Please."

I sigh and follow him there. I sit on the edge of the bed. He closes the door locking it. He then sits beside me. "I want to know why you are upset."

"That is none of your business Derek."

"You're my boyfriend Stiles, Your my mate, My little fox, and something happened a week ago tonight, I don't know what. It happened in my home under my roof. So yes stiles it is my business."

I simply shake my head as tears fill my eyes. "I'm overreacting ok! I'm a big fucking baby! I'm a prick!" he pulls me into his chest.

"Stiles calm down shhh." He says as he pulls me into his lap. He plays with my hair.

I sob crying "I'm sorry." I cry and he sighs comforting me

"you don't have anything to be sorry for."

"yes, I do," I say gripping his shirt I sniffle

"then tell me," he says rubbing my back he looks down at me. I look up at him

"I'm Jealous. I don't like not knowing people you know. I feel how I always felt. Unimportant. Out of the loop. Looked down upon."

"Stiles-..." tears fill his eyes "you are none of those things. you're right I should have told you. But you are the most important one here. The first one to be told everything. You aren't looked down upon baby... the whole pack looks up to you." He wipes my tears and kisses my forehead "you should have told me you felt this way babe." He says in a calming voice

I eventually calm down but it's not gonna make me feel any different about Damon or Stefan. "Derek."


"Did you and Damon date... in the past."

"Don't worry about that."

"So you did."

"Stiles I don't and I didn't have feelings for him the same way as I do you. Our love is different and it can't be broken like his and mine. He isn't my mate you are."

"How long we're you guys together."

"Stiles stop it."

"How long."

"A year."

That sends fear throughout me because the fact that we haven't even been together a year, and that he can leave me and not even speak a word of me.

"Stiles I'm not leaving you."

I just nod because I'm scared now.

We eventually go downstairs Derek orders dinner he puts on his jacket to go get it. "Sti you coming?"

I shake my head "I don't want to this time I'm sorry."

He just nods gently making eye contact with me before he looks at Scott "come with me?"

He nods and gets up grabbing his jacket. I watch them leave. Once they are gone Damon sits next to me. "So Derek then huh?" I cross my arms looking at the tv trying my best to ignore him. "I would leave him now kid because he is gonna drop you and this town."

"He wouldn't do that to me."

"Did it to me."

"He is from beacon hills."

"Doesn't mean he won't drop you."

"Stop it. Just stop." Tears fill my eyes

"You know it's true and you won't admit it stiles."

He is right and I need to save myself the pain

"Just shut up please."


I sigh rubbing my hands through my hair

"You seen the way he talks to me. Not much different from your own."

"It is different stop it!"

The room goes quiet as the pack looks at me. Liam gets up walking over

"Mom what's going on." I quickly look at him

"Don't call me that."

Liam walks out of the room scared calling Derek.


I'm walking to the car handing the food to Scott getting his door before getting in my own seat. I start the car when my phone rings.

I answer it pulling out of the parking lot "Liam what is it."

"It's mom. He doesn't want me to call him mom. Damon said something to him. He is upset he yelled at Damon."

Tears fill my eyes what the hell is he playing at. I start speeding back to the loft hanging up. Scott doesn't need to ask. He heard the conversation. I walk in eyes red. Scott sets the food down and I walk to Damon grabbing him by his throat. Stiles looks at me horrified. He hasn't seen this side of me in a long time.

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