(NSFW) Top or bottom?

616 7 3

For them with anyone else and my ships :3


Jinx: I don't think she would like the idea of sex. A, she's still pretty young, B, they just don't find it appealing, C, TOO BUSY EXPLODING STUFF!

Vi: Top (no, not top lane- she's a good JG tho /ref /j) I feel like she'd definitely be a top. Though maybe, in some cases, she could switch.

Caitlyn: I feel like she's a power bottom. Depending on her partner, she'll top, but I don't feel like she would want to fully top, rather than kind of keep it balanced. Other than that, she's v much a bottom.

Caitvi: Vi loves to top Cait, though almost every time she'll fall under Caitlyn's spell and get power-bottomed.

Viktor: He as well isn't too thrilled by the thought of sex. However, if his partner interests him in this way then yes, he definitely starts to long for it. He's the bottom, always- but when it comes to the flirtation he can be SUCH a top lol.

Jayce: Bottom. Gets pegged, enjoys it. Although it depends on his partner. Usually for more feminine types he'll be more submissive, maybe a power-bottom at most. For more masculine people he tends to become more dominant.

Jayvik: Jayce top, Viktor bottom. Viktor loves to be dominated by him, and Jayce loves to do so. Viktor will get so powerful when flirting with Jayce but it takes one switch and he's melting at his touch.

Silco: Oop- honey you know he's a top. No questions. MAYBE he'd power-bottom maybe ONCE.

Ekko: Hmm. Maybe he'd be a switch? Yeah, maybe. Though I imagine he's almost never thinking about sex until his partner brings it up or something.

Mel: Power-bottom. 'Nuff said.

Sevika: TOP, TOP, TOP, TOP- omfg she would LOVE to top her partner into oblivion-

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