Prologue & Chapter One

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Staring at three hostile and glittering eyes, I know I am going to die. As I watch the huge black wolves growl their way towards me, I curse my decision to cut through the black alley. I had decided on the short-cut due to the fact that I am exhausted from working the late shift at the local Burger King. Smelling of grease and fries, I am so tired even a few more blocks of walking had seemed way too many.

Compelling my aching, fatigued, and completely warned out body towards home, my only thoughts consist of going home and sleeping.I had walked for a few blocks when I feel the first flickers of unease. Hearing a few growls, I slightly quicken my steps thinking it is only a neighborhood dog.However as the growls came closer and more menacing, I became scared and began running.

Horrified, I look back to see three enormous black shapes swiftly chasing me. Gasping, I fall. While I get up, the shapes form a horseshoe shape. I keep trying to back up, but then I hit a wall.Squeezing my eyes shut, I see my life flash before my eyes.

Chapter One ~ Two Days Before

“Audrey! Get up, you have to help your siblings!” my genuine Cruella de Veil stepmother, Kelli, shouts as she pounds on my door.

“I’m going, I’m going!” As I quickly pull on my clothes, I think back to how I received a stepmom like Kelli.

My mom had died when I was only three, and after that it was just my dad and me. However we were very close and did many activities together.It was due to my dad that I am a bookworm tom-boy. Dad taught me how to throw a fastball, interpret The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, knock a boy out with one punch, and many other things. From my dad, I also learned determination, confidence, and integrity. This all changed the day Dad got a promotion when I was fifteen.

That very same day, Dad came home smiling with Kelli on his arm. After a short period of two weeks, Kelli had gotten her claws so deep into Dad that he had become so befuddled and enchanted that he married her. With Kelli came her two children, they were the only bright spot in the situation. Mikey is 7 and Teegan is 5. They both have the classic angelic blond hair and blue eyes.

Regrettably, Kelli now regards me as a full-time, unpaid nanny for Mikey and Teegan. Although I love spending time with Mikey and Teegan, it can be very frustrating juggling babysitting Mikey and Teegan, working at Burger King, and school.

I make my way down the stairs almost falling after stepping on one of Mikey’s Hot Wheels cars. I catch myself and open Teegan’s door.

“Hello, princess! Time to get up. Today you have school and then a play date with Kenzie.” I began tidying Teegan’s room which has a complete princess theme.

“Audrey, I’m tired. Come back later.” Teegan turns over with a yawn.

“Oh, Teegan wants to sleep in….well too bad.” With that statement, I began tickling Teegan. Her screams of laughter instantly bubble out.

“Uncle, Uncle!” Teegan cries as she gets out of bed.

I hand Teegan her clothes and usher her towards the bathroom. Trusting Teegan to brush her teeth and hair, I turn towards Mikey’s door.

Stepping into Mikey’s room, I discover that my way barricaded by several more Hot Wheels and various other toys. With an odd-looking dance, I maneuver my way to Mikey’s bed as I avoid various things lying on the floor.

“Wet Willy!” I shout. However well used to this form of wake-up call, Mikey avoids my finger and jumps out of bed.

“Ha, Audrey! I have once more beaten you and your wet willy attack.” With a cheerful grin, Mikey also makes his way to the bathroom.

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