Chapter five, Crushes

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The colorful pumpkin known as 'Jack' strides over and takes a seat on the left of (Y/N)'s sexy, hourglass shaped, and petite figure.

"So, todays lesson will be about the holocaust..." The teachers words are drowned out by (Y/N)'s thoughts about the new student sitting next to her, the ultimate baddie...

'Wow... I wonder what's under that helmet of his.'

(Y/N) begins to think about his unmasked face, 'Maybe a beautiful pair of ocean blue orbs and cloud-like platinum blond hair? Plump pink lips, a perfect chiseled face-' Her thoughts were cut off by the said boy of (Y/N)'s dreams.

"Yo whatever your name is, wanna partner up?"

"M-m-me??" (Y/N) blushes, stuttering and physically tripping over her words.

"I mean yeah you're the only other person sitting next to me-"

"Yes!" (Y/N) loudly interrupts Jack before realizing he didn't even get to finish his sentence, "I-I mean... I would love to."

"Cool, you kinda bad though, whats yo gmail user?"

'MY GMAIL?' (Y/N) shouts in her mind, 'Who sees a pretty girl such as myself and goes straight for the gmail account? That's way too fast, at least ask me for my hand in marriage first.' She mentally rolls her eyes but blushes at his forward attempt.

"I-I'm sorry... that's a little too fast, I'm waiting until marriage." (Y/N) stubbles with her words, brushing an untamed hair strand behind her ear.

Jack looks to the side in thought, 'Damn, my balls kinda itch right now.' He calmly shakes his head, dismissing the thought, 'Nah, I gotta deal with this chick here first.'

"Shii baby girl, lemme test the waters first." Jack softly tickles his left knee while scooting closer to (Y/N).

"Be my bbg iykyk." He deductively says while aggressively biting his upper lip.

Before (Y/N) could respond, the school bell goes off, indicating that it's lunch time, time for lunch. Said girl quickly grabs her bag and speed walks out the class room, away from Baddie Jack.

(Time skip brought to you by literally every undertale fanfic writer in 2016.)

As (Y/N) struts into the cafeteria, she begins to notice how full and crowded the area is. Not bothering to treat herself to some goodies, She leaves the premises and thinks about going to the bathroom to check on her masked wound. (Y/N) makes up her mind and makes her way to the nearest bathroom which just so happens to be incredibly close to the school's rooftop.

The petite girl notices a tall male figure going towards the rooftop, (Y/N) lets go of the bathroom door and decides that her wounds are not as important as this mysterious man. She follows from behind all the way to the door leading to the outside roof area, once the door was opened, (Y/N) noticed that the man she had been trailing behind for the past 4 minutes was in fact... Owen?

Two made it to the destined area, Owen innocently walking by with his paw patrol lunch box and (Y/N) creepily spying on said innocent and unsuspecting male.

The girl watches as Owen sets down his lunch at the nearby public bench and gets ready to jump off the roof and commit suicide.

Yeah that's completely normal.

(Y/N) forgot that the f store has ran out of f supplies and therefore she has none to give at the moment, and she departs from her spying session like the kind and caring soul that she is.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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