Chapter One, Mistakes

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"Beep, beep!"

"Ugh, I'm not dead." (Y/N) grumbles awake, disappointed that she has not secretly traveled away to the afterlife in her slumber. "I hope my mom doesn't come in, I mean, its not like she will anyways... She never cares about me."

"Ugly, go get ready for school." (Y/N)'s mother, Anastazja breaks the door down, pieces of wood flying in every direction. "I'm not gonna tell you again, get up. You have to be back home right after school to practice picking at my toenails."

"Y-yes Mother..."

Anastazja closes the broken door with her strong hands and leaves (Y/N)'s room.

(Y/N) gets ready in an impossible speed, seeing as she is used to this lifestyle. As she is putting on her makeup, she notices all the splinters on her hands. Somehow not noticing the blood gushing out of her wounds. (Y/N) panics, only having 18 minutes left to get ready, she quickly tries to wrap them with a spare cloth but it doesn't do much. Blood dripping to the floor, (Y/N) slippes on the blood and falls, causing her razor to tumble down from her dresser and to her face. The loud noise of (Y/N) falling gracefully alerts both of her parents.

"Oh no!"

(Y/N) quickly gets up and attempts to clean her mess before her parents punish her. Heavy footsteps is heard from the staircase causes (Y/N)'s heart to beat out of her chest in fear.

Finally finishing cleaning up the mess, (Y/N) manages to cover up the cut from the razer with a mask she had laying around just before her Dad comes in.

"What's with all the noiseee?" (Y/N)'s Father, Jean, comes strolling in the room, not bothering to knock.

(Y/N) gasps in surprise, almost not noticing her father was in the room due to the fact he's 4'10.

"Hello, Father! Sorry for all the ruckus, a cat jumped through my window and i was trying to shoo it away! My apologies." (Y/N) spewts out a lie, sweating nervously.



"Hmmmmm," Jean aggressively strokes his chin, "I see, don't let it happen agaaainnnnn, I'm watching youuuu." He slowly closes the door.

(Y/N) sighs, rubbing her temple while softly shaking her head in attempt to clear her thoughts. Looking at her watch, (Y/N) realizes what time it is.

"6:30am?!" (Y/N) almost shouts, "I'm about to be late for school!"

(Y/N) quickly, yet quietly, rushes out her bedroom door and down the stairs, her abusive parents waiting for her.

"What took you so loonggg?" Jean's voice echoes through (Y/N)'s mind, making her feel completely and utterly guilty.


"We are not driving you to school or back home as punishment, walk to school you paper thin lipped piece of fish." Anastazja interrupts her daughter and adds to Jean's remark.

"Y-yes, Mother. I'm s-so sorry." (Y/N) stutters as her voice cracks. Her eyes start to water, nearly breaking into tears.

(Y/N) rushes out her abusive so called home, not even bothering to eat breakfast or grab her lunch for the future. As she walks in the direction of her school, (Y/N) opens and searches her bag for her phone to listen to her music. She grabs her phone and earbuds, wincing as the phone brushes against her bandaged hand.

Music has always been the one that kept (Y/N) alive all these years, not only that, it made her feel alive. Making up scenarios in her head depending on the song makes her feel like she's living in a fantasy world where nothing goes wrong. Yet, when the music is over, everything comes crashing back-

"So sad, but no one asked." A rude voice interrupts (Y/N)'s inner-monolog.

"Inner-monolog?" (Y/N) looks towards the voice and sees a white haired, 5'2 tall teenager wearing... No pants?! "Are you serious? Girl please, that's so embarrassing."

"Wait, was I talking aloud? O-oh my," (Y/N) nervously laughs as her face flushes red from embarrassment, "Uhm, may I ask why you aren't wearing any pants? And if possible, may I have the honors of knowing your name?"

"Dude... I am wearing pants, you just can't see them." The unknown female crosses her arms, "And you may not. What is wrong with you?!"

Before (Y/N) could respond, A another girl, around the same height, calls the white haired teen over.

"Spice! Get over here, if we are late, we won't have any good seats." A blonde shouts at 'Spice' to grab her attention for classroom seats.

"Oh yeah, sure thing, Gold. I'm coming over right now if you know what I mean." Spice runs over to her friend, making an odd, yet silly face.

"Stop it." Gold responds to Spice's joke.

The two procced to walk into the school which (Y/N) didn't even know notice was there, seeing as she was too busy talking to Spice to had even notice she reached her destination. Speaking of Spice, she kind of has a girly run...

"Oh, right! school time."

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