Authors Note

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Hey guys....

The next chapter is going to be delayed alittle longer.... I am just feeling alittle down.
Today is just not my kind of day.
At school I was tortured by my friend with my crush, I got cut by a dirty tire. I'm hungry. And I cried today because I was judged by some my friends about my crush... They just made me feel like I couldn't like, or love anyone..

Two made me feel better and made me stop crying... But anyway... I am just....... Depressed alittle I guess, and I am probably going to be laying down for a long while until my hell hole of a school drags me back...

Being on wattpad helps me feel better too.just random and thought I should type it...... And thanks for reading ≡^ˇ^≡
Bye guys...

Hatefull Chibi Love(finally Proof Reading!)Where stories live. Discover now