Ch 15

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Eventually you let go of him and he lifted his head from the pillow with a gasp," I-a couldn't breath!"

You just giggled at him and settled your hands in your lap. His greenish hazel-brown eyes following down to your hands.

Silence filled the room until Romano released the squished tomato pillow and slowly placed his little hand over yours, gripping it softly. A pink blush spread across both yours and Roma's face as he held your hand.

He was trying to be gentle and not short tempered. You couldn't hold back that smile, as it blossomed on your face. Your littling fingers lacing through his. Romano's face growing redder by the second until Spain jumped in,"aw Roma..your holding hands!"

Romano quickly wiggled his hand from yours and wrapped his arm back around the plushie tomato,"shut up tomato bastard. I am not-a in the mood for-a you..." he said sourly. Glaring at Spain.

All the spaniard did was smiled brightly,"oh I get it... you just wanted some alone time with (y/n)."

You let the two guys argue back and forth, eventually quietly slipping away to the backyard.

The last thing you heard from the house was Romano's temper and Spain laughing.


It was a nice day out as you walked your usual way to the spot of the Rose you found and cared for. You haven't visited It in a while so you decided to check up on it.

You took sometime in admiring the outside, and what colors and peace it offered. You reached down and pluched a lone small lavender flower from the soft grass,  not wanting it to stand alone.

Twisting the thin stem between your fingers you kept walking. A unusual sound here and there but you didn't pay much mind to it, thinking it was probably an animal lurking around for something. Until some strange,  tall force picked you up.

You squirmed in the person's grasp not really doing much to help you get away, until you smelt the small scent of roses.

The scent oh-so familiar to you as you dropped your head back and saw a blonde haired blue eyed man smile at you. His hair alittle messy but you didn't care,"Hi..papa!"

He couldn't wipe the smile off his face, but you did notice something different.

France seemed more tired, and alittle pale from your last encounter,"my sweet child, and sunshine of my darkened days...  I can no longer stand to be apart from you, "his blue eyes turned glossy and watery from the small tears that forced past his eyes. 

The sight,  even the sound of his french accent made you happy as you wrapped your little arms around his neck.

"I feel so alone and unwanted by the world without you now," he sniffed alittle as your little throat burned and big tears swelling in your eyes,"I-..."

You bursted with tears as small sobs came from you, "I can't! I can't go anywhere with you! I want to but-..You will get introuble!" France squeezed you alittle trying to calm you down, but your sobs became louder from his efforts to comfort you. 

You knew that if you attracted attention, France could get into big trouble,  but your crying couldn't be stopped now, " and it will and forever be all my fault! " you squeaked past the tears.

France rested his cheek atop your head,  and his face displaying sadness and hurt, "my belle girl...  I was the problem and reason you were taken way. If you thought that is was you this whole time,  than I have pained you for no reason." France hugged your little body close," I am so sorry mi Belle..  I wish I did better,  I wish I could have been more of what kind of father you desired.. And now...  " he lifted his head to look at you,  his blue eyes seeping into your (e/c) ones.

His feet moved past your purple lavender flower you dropped long ago,  and the unfinished rose that you cared for,  not carrying you back to Spain's house, but away from it...  Away from it all. 

"I can..... We can start over... " his thumb smoothly ran across your wet cheek, whipping away any traces of tears,  save for the droplets on his shoulder. He new that taking you far away will be safest. "..  It will be all worth it,  just to see you smile at me again.. Mi Belle. "


I am sorry for the errors and the late late late late late late update....  I feel so bad cuz of my lazyness.... I have been overdosing on Assassin's Creed 3 and what not, that everytime I get home from school I forget but yet have time to play videogames...

I am so lazy..  ̄へ ̄
Plus this feels rushed again. And I have got the partial French translation from memory.. So sorry for the wrong words of French in the wrong places..also I have been writing late at night so... Yea...

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