Ch 12

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You felt a little sad from that encounter until Spain perked you up,"hey (y/n)? Wanna meet another one of my friends?"

"Who else?" You asked, looking up at him. Spain was close to home but walked past it," he doesn't live that far, and I think he would love to see you."

You flattened your little lips into a straight line," more, new people?" You looked ahead as Spain trailed his way down the sidewalk, up to a house. He set you and Romano down like last time when you visited Austria and Hungary's.

Romano crossed his arms," I remember this stupido house, can we-a just not do this?"he question looking up at Spain.

Spain just rolled his green eyes at the chibi with a smile,"I can leave (y/n) here while I take you home?" He suggested to the chibi.

Romano vigorously shook his head,"No-a Way!"

"Good because even if you just wanted to go home, I would have made you stay anyway."Spain chuckled out as he knocked on the door.

A voice could be heard unclear through the door, until it opened up. A tall man with pale white hair, ruby red eyes, and wearing a dark blue uniform grinned at Spain,"vhat a surprise. Vhy have you come all alone? Doesn't Fra-"

"Well I just wanted you to officially meet (y/n)" Spain picked you up and held you out to the man. You stared at him, slowly retracting your arms and legs close to you.

The man laughed as he pushed some of his white hair from his face,"she's... cute." He said clearing his throat a little,"she yours or are you just babysitting?"

Spain sighed,"mine, now the least you-"

"Ahem, excuse-a me?!" Romano said as his face slowly turned red,"she is mine, not yours, You Old Tomato Bastard."

Spain and the man stared down at Romano,"he hasn't lost that colorful language of his, has he?"

Spain shook his head,"not really.."

The albino man grinned at you,"Prussia is my name, but you can call me Mr. Awesomeness!"

His whole being, along with his arrogant personality, made you smile,"hello.. uh, Mr. Awesomeness?" Romano walked up to prussia and kicked his leg,"She don't have-a to call you that you stupido albino"

Prussia placed his hands on his hips and leaned down to Romano,"vell she just did."

They both stuck there tongues out at each other until Prussia spoke up,"you know your not being a nice nor attractive guy for (y/n). If she even likes you."

Romano growled at prussia as he tried to jump up and grab his white hair,"Bend Down Closer You-a Cowered! Afraid I-a May Reach Your Hair?" Prussia smirked at Romano and straightened up.

"Sorry for making you hang there frau," Prussia said taking you from Spain,"she is really cute vhen you are in her sights for a vhile."

Prussia walked over to the couch and sat down with you sitting in his lap,"vhere did you get her anyway?"

Spain shut Prussia's door after walking in,"oh, well it's not really important right now.."

Romano ran over to the albino man and jumped up onto the couch,"now I-a can reach your stupido face."

Prussia frowned and placed a hand on Romano's head,"hey. You have had plenty of time vith her, my turn." Prussia said with a smirk, squeezing the base of his curl.

Romano smacked his hand away and covered up his curl,"don't fucking touch me there!" He backed away and sat on the far edge of the couch glaring at the pale man, mumbling curse words towards him," albino bastardo stupatore."

You stared at Romano, hoping he wouldn't get into trouble again,"Mr. Awesomeness?" You tilted your head up at the man.

He grinned down at you,"I think she may be as Awesome as me.. at least she calls me awesome and realises it."

You smiled up at him,"thank you.."

Prussia reached up to your face and squeezed your cheeks, making you close both of your eyes,'maybe this is why Romano backed away, he isn't so gentle,'

"Cute.. hey Spain?" Prussia said as Spain sat down next to his friend"sí?"

"Mind if ze awesome me takes her off your hands?" Prussia asked, letting your face go and holding you close. Laying his cheek on the top of your head.

Spain frowned a little,"we-."

"Oh Dont You-a Think You Can Take Her Away That-a Easily!" Romano said crawling across Spain and over to you and Prussia.

Prussia pouted at Romano,"its not your decision, is it. Little boy."

Romano frowned at him as he reached over and grabbed your hand, pulling you from Prussia. You didnt move, but you displayed a uncomfortable look on your face.

"Hagh! Weak!" Prussia laughed out as Spain picked Romano up,"well, as much as you would love to hear me say you could have her, I also do not want to part from (y/n). She is our family, and you can only visit her. You cant take her away from us."

Romano crossed his arms and nodded. As Prussia frown a little," alright, i will just make sure to visit often!"

You giggles at his enthusiasm,"atleast I get to see Mr. Awesomeness more."

Prussia hugged you,"she vould be the best daughter to have, ever! You always get so lucky Spain."Prussia paused for a second,"well, except for France and the ladies, he has you beat there."

Your smile faded a little," you know papa?!"

Prussia looked like he went paler than he already was,"y- ..Fr-... huh? France had a daughter?!"prussia studied you closely,"vhen?"

"He never told you about her?"Spain questioned as he released Romano from his arms.

Prussia shook his head,"no, vhy did you bring her though. If she's France's vhy didn't he?"

Spain looked at you as you bowed your head,"because that man was a big meanie.."you mumbled out.

Spain and Romano eventually looked back up at Prussia who stared down at you, slowly comprehending what you ment," sorry for bringing up bad memories frau..."

You could feel a smile eat away at you until it bloomed on your face," but," you rose your head, a small pink blush on your face," I am making new, and happy memories with Spain, and Romano."

This made Prussia grin brightly down at you," zats my new awesome little girl!~" he ruffled your hair up, as you giggled at him.

Spain tilted his head with a friendly smile 'he seems to really like her.'

Romano frowned 'She. Isn't. Yours...'


Albino bastardo stupatore- albino rapist bastard

I was kinda sceptical about publishing this chapter, but I ended up publishing in the end :3

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