Chapter 20: Dead

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[to the people that are BEGGING me to continue chapter 19..... here you go!!!]

Vanessa was still ridding the car she just stole. Her heartbeats grew faster. She tried as hard as possible to remember the roads to her mansion. As she was looking left and right, she found her boyfriend's car parked in the side of the road. She parked the car and went too toeing to her house.

She arrived in front of the main gate and peaked to see the actions. She hid her gasp as she saw Yara in pain and Alessandro begging. She looked around her, she glanced at the gun she was holding.... She just can't go and shoot them, shoot her father..... she might get killed.

She then remembered the little back door she created when she was little to take some peaceful walk in the forest. She tip toed avoiding making any crack of leaves she was stepping on. She hid directly behind the wall and peeked. The gun that she was holding was trembling and she took a deep breath.

"Stop it! I beg you!" Begged Alessandro. "Leave her alone!" Vanessa looked at them and said 'aim... take a deep breath.... Shoot..  ' she held the gun and aimed it to her father. One... two... three.... Boom!! She let out a scream. For a moment everyone was standing still, Vanessa's heart dropped. Did she aimed at someone else? Until her father; laid on his knees and slammed on the floor his face forward. Alessandro run to Yara and pulled her between his arms as crying tears were still scrolling down their cheekbones.

Elie run to Vanessa and held the gun from her "Love. You alright?" Vanessa was still staring at the dead body. "I... I killed m-my own father..." Elie dropped the gun away, and now all the men that were siding with Gilbert, stood still afraid of their future. Vanessa started crying "I killed my father!!" Yara rushed to her and hugged her thanking her so much.

But a huge thunder cloud was now above Vanessa. Guilty.... Monster.... Like your father.... She had swore that she will never hold a gun on her hand. Or even kill. She was breathing heavily until everything turned black and she fell,

She woke up in a strange room, and elie was sitting on a chair next to her holding her hand. She moved it slowly catching his attention "Vanessa!" He hovered on top of her and laid his head on her stomach. "Oh god... I thought I lost you." She shook her head no, still speechless.

"Do you need anything?" He asked. She shook her head, "water....? Juice...?" She still shook her head no. He kissed her lips softly "are you okay?" His voice was so low. Afraid. She shook her head and the tear she tried to hold them burst out.

The next morning, Vanessa walked downstairs and saw Yara on the couch whit a cup of tea in her hands. "Good morning. What do you think of this house? It's our second mansion." Vanessa didn't say anything she just smiled. Yara looked worried at her and said "come sit here..."

Vanessa walked towards her and sat without saying a word, she rubbed her back and asked "V are you alright?" Vanessa shook her head. "It's okay.... It's okay. I know it's hard for you but you saved my life and my cousin's and Ale's and if it weren't for you we would all be dead." Vanessa was wiping her tears. "Stop grieving. Enjoy your life. You are free, elie loves you. I know that. He never cared of anyone like this before, specially not for a strange girl."

Vanessa smiled "thank you Yara." Yara kissed her cheek "no problem. Besides I want you to be in a good mood. I need positive energy for the baby now" she said while tapping softly her belly. Vanessa carrasses it gently and smiled "what are you planning to name it?" Yara shrugged her shoulders "still confused."

Elie walked downstairs to see the girls laughing and chatting. He was happy to see Vanessa in a better mood. He walked to her and kissed her lips gently "good morning mi amore." Vanessa smiled shyly. "Where is this pathetic lover of yours dear Cousin!" Elie said in a sarcastic tone. Yara rolled her eyes "don't talk about my man like that."

"Maybe Espada couldn't kill him but I will if I see him in front of-...." "Amoreee! I found it! For the girl we will name her Aurora ! And the boy Ace!" Elie opened the kitchen drawer and pulled out a knife. "If I were you I would be wishing to meet my kids . But unfortunately for you it won't happen after I will stab you to death!" Alessandro turned white as his colors drained from his face and went running.

"Come back here you little piece of shit!" Rushed after him elie. "You made my baby cousin pregnant and you thought you might escape from all of this!" They were still chasing each other or poor Ale was running for his life. Vanessa was reminded of Tom & Jerry. Tom as Elie and Jerry as Alessandro. She laughed at the thought of it.

Yara rolled her eyes playfully and said "I love the name Ace. I think it's beautiful. And Aurora isnt bad too." Vanessa agreed. "Well V There's only something I need to know." She caught her attention and Vanessa felt nervous. "Will you be my babies godmother?" Vanessa clapped her hands of excitement and cheered after saying yes.

They both hugged each other tightly leaving the boys chocking each other. They didn't really care specially Yara. She knew elie wouldn't kill him.... Well she prayed that he wouldn't . But anyways . Vanessa was already giving Pinterest ideas for the babies room and wedding ideas. "Imagine a mafia wedding.... Black dress, black invitation, blood red roses on each table..." and Yara was looking at her with astonishment .

"Oh oh! And for the brides maid dress. Red! Oh I love the color red on you!" "Me...? You want me to be your brides maid?" Yara laughed "of course who would it be?" Vanessa felt like be too perfect and she loves it like that. She wants it to stay like that.

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