Chapter 38: Brooke & Marco (1)

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[Many of you are wondering how did Marco and Brooke meet. Well here's their little adventure.]

"Shut up. Just shut up! Don't you dare blame me in this! I told you Yara is never meant to be yours!" Marco roared on the phone. "Antonio! Your fiancé doesn't want you. If that's not more embarrassing I don't know what it is. And here I am. IN THE MIDDLE OF FUCKING NEW YORK CITY. YOUR HONEYMOON." Marco was going back in forth in the hotel lobby, tightening his teeth and gripping his hair. "Oh oh... poor you! Do you know how embarrassing to sleep in the honeymoon suite by myself?!" A moment of silence . "You know what Antonio. Screw you. You and father. I hate you both so much." And he hang up.

He looked at his watch, two of his men are standing in distance waiting for any order they'll receive. Marco walked to them "I need coffee." One of his men took off his sunglasses and replied "Capo. There's a Starbucks down the street." He looked outside and saw the sky cloudy. He was discouraged. But right now he really needed some coffee "alright. Andiamo." Marco walked down the street like he's a super model. Girls looking at him and blushing. Many winking at him and whistling at him. Back in Italy, people would scream at the look of him, specially if he was with Alessandro and Elie.

He entered Starbucks and saw a short hair with curtain bangs brunette doing a coffee and handing it to the costumer. He approached her "un caffè Italiano Bella." Her Hazel eyes met his, and he leaned forward. "Pardon?" She asked. "One Italian coffee beautiful." She straighten her position. "We don't have this kind of stuff sir. We have the americano, black coffee, latte, cappuccino. I can also introduce you to one of our specialties. Do you like pumpkin spice latte? Peppermint mocha? Caramel latte with whipped cream and biscuit crunches on top-..." "tsk tsk tsk. For a beautiful girl you do talk a lot. Just give me black coffee and make it quick."

She looked at him and mumbled "black like your heart?" He looked at her, she clasped her hands on her mouth and gasped. She didn't expect that her voice might be loud. He leaned more and added "yes... like my heart." She broke the heavy eye contact and went to make his coffee. He kept staring at her and a smirked plastered on his face. For a simple boring barista she really is special. She turned to him "Small? Tall? Or a Venti?" He smirked "for my black heart I need your biggest size." She clenched her jaw and went back doing the coffee. "You don't seem American." "No shit sweetheart. I'm Italian."

"And what an Italian man with old money aesthetic would be doing in New York." He replied smiling more "if I tell you, I would have to kill you." She looked at him as he winked. She gave him his coffee and added "10.59$" "Visa." She grabbed the credit card machine and placed it in front of him. After paying he looked at her "Grazie." He said lifting his cup and taking a sip of it. She nodded. He stared at her then asked "if you have nothing tonight, I would love if you meet me in my hotel room."

She froze and replied "cute... but not interested." He smirked "I'm not going to disappoint you Bella. I always treat my woman like a queen until we're in bed, than she's my whore." Her cheeks turned red and she rubbed the countertop cleaning it after the mess "again sir... not interested." He turned his back and replied walking away "well your lost, not mine." She stared at this muscular figurine that's making her heart do multiple backflips. She shook her head, clearing her mind from any reminders of him and went back to work.

"Goodnight Brooke." Brooke was locking the coffee shop when her friend Lucy waved her goodbye. "Goodnight Lucy. See you tomorrow." She started to walk in the street, her next workplace is not far from here, but it's embarrassing. A boring barista during the day, a waiter for a strip club at night. Not the ideal kind of job but at least it helps her not to be poor. She checked if she have her outfit in her bag, and continued her way to the strip club.

"You're late miss Brooklyn!" She flinched at her boss' shouting. He's being very unfair and mean to her the past month and she's afraid he might fire her "I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again." He rolled his eyes "just go change your clothes and start serving customers." "On my way sir!" She slapped her forehead 'you can't keep messing up! You need this job Brooke. Focus!'

She was passing through the tables. Serving the whiskey and the vodka to men that were throwing their money on the naked girls, dance poling. "Here's your oat whiskey sir." He grabbed her hand "none of the girls on stage caught my attention like you did. Let's escape this place." She pushed him away "no! Leave me alone!" She rushed away from him, fixing her hair and breathing heavily. She went to her coworker "Amanda can you believe this bastard in booth 9!" Her bartender friend looked at the booth "you're not the only girl he tried to hit on. He did the same thing to me a week ago." Brooke sighed. "New customers arrived. Go help them Brooke."

Brooke turned to see, but only to step back. Marco looked at her directly and waved with two fingers to come to him. She rolled her eyes, grabbing her plate holder and walking to him in her long high heels. "Buano serata Bella. I want the VIP section." She looked at him and replied "follow me." He run his eyes around her body, enjoying the way her long legs walking in front of him. She lead them to a nice sofa with a coffee table in front of it, having the perfect view of the whole stage of strippers. "What a surprise to see you here." He said while lightening a cigarette. No reaction. "What do you want to drink sir?" He let out a breath full of smoke "bring me your finest bottle of whiskey."

She walked back to the bar and asked her coworkers for the 650$ bottle of whiskey 'you want the finest bottle of whiskey, let's see if you can afford it' she walked back to him and put it in front of him "that's our finest whiskey but it's quite expensive 650$." He glared at her "I said finest. Not cheapest." He smirked. "That's not cheap!" He laid back on the sofa "says the one who can't afford it." He was pissing her off. She handed him the cups for him and his bodyguards. Before she would walk away from him he rose to his feet and asked "the whiskey is for 650$ and for you...? How much does it cost me to have you for the night."

"I'm not for lease!" He arched an eyebrow "amore, it's your job to please me and my job is to put dollars in your pants. It's a win win." She hissed "I'm just the waitress here! So cut it off!" And she left. He smiled as he saw her walking away and mumbled "I'm not done with you."

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