The Marks

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" Stay inside. Don't go anywhere," he said after his subordinate went. They talked in private with a serious expression. They talked for quite a while as he smoked quite a lot of cigarettes. While standing beside the open window, with his usually cold demeanor. He looks so calm but even without him doing anything, the intimidation feels so real.

And she just nods obediently, as she understands pretty well about the situation they are in right now even without them telling anything to her. Literally, she knows it well. '... because the enemy is totally wicked.' they are something that even Arkas Knights would never be able to understand.

' I want to help them.' 

... and she did. 

Just days ago when she tried to give him some information that she thought will help them. Yet, the man then glared at her.

"... Don't meddle in," he said with his terrifying deep voice. " Why do you think I will trust you?" asked him. " You are still someone who I might kill, easily." hearing that she found herself in true terror. As if she was being slapped for putting off her guard in front of him just because he was doing nothing instead of ignoring her these past days.

' He is dangerous.' even though at the same time, she knows well that this man is the safest place for the princess. '... but not for me.'

and what is she supposed to do in that situation?

She is being rejected even before she tried.

So, she will just follow everything he said to him without saying anything. She already knows what might happen mostly, she knows that the princess will be alright. She will grow up older and, even with her unfortunate fate, she will find her true happiness in the end. So, it will be alright until then.

Yet, she could not deny that all of this situation is terrifying. ' I am trembling.' every second since that day, even though she tries to compress all of it inside. Trying to be composed as she could, she could not. She bites her lips, ' ... because I know the true terror. I know what can they can do to living beings.'

and she looks at the princess who looks at her in worry. " It's okay. Everything will be alright, don't worry." But, the princess might just realize that even she said so, she was still anxious.



" He still not yet come back," she muttered in worry while looking at the night sky from their room window. " He never leaves for this long." and it makes her worry so much.

' It's okay, it will be alright.' and she repeatedly said that inside her heart.

" PRINCESS!" and a big noise comes with an unfamiliar knight that hurriedly comes to them. " BRING THE PRINCESS, WE HAVE TO GO!"

and she confused, " But the commander?" while she holds the princess tightly/

" The commander is outside! Let's go!"

" But-"

" What the hell took you so long to bring a fucking princess?!" and the familiar voice is heard, and the man she waited comes. " Come!" he yelled.

And she ran immediately to his side where suddenly the quiet situation change into chaos. Suddenly she is surrounded by Arkas Knight in the middle of the forest while strange and creepy noises feel so close.

" Where is the carriage?" asked the commander.

" In the east. A little bit more." said the man.

and she still trying to run while her breathing starts to hurt.

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