The Princess's Origin

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" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'



" Let's take a bath!" she said excitedly, " Princess!" while holding up the princess high makes the princess giggle out loud inside their room in one of the inns in this small city. It is a simple room with two single beds and an inside bathroom. It is far from the princess's room but of course, for her, it is already enough.

and it is more than enough because it lets her wash that felt disgusting all day yesterday.

" ... but he is something is not him?" she muttered. While soaking herself and the princess in the small wooden bathtub. While her wavy long ginger is loosened inside the bath. She brushes herself with the freshwater before then washing the princess with both of her hands. " How can he get money easily?"

" Mmm?" confused the princess while looking at her with her reddish chubby cheeks due to the hot temperature of the hot tub.

and she smiles at the cuteness from her. " Is it refreshing is not it?"

" Yes!! nice bater." she said.

" Wow, you already good at saying 'nice!'" she said.

and the princess smiling in shyly which makes Grace hugs her tight and put her cheeks skin to skin with the princess's. " You are so cute!" she said.

" Tengkyu!" she said.

" Ok, let's get out," said Grace while picking the princess up after warp herself in a towel and then warp the princess in another towel. Walking out refreshed with her bright smile, " After this let's eat something nice- Ah." she froze.

when the man who sitting calmingly while smoking stared at her with his elegant red eyes. " Ah..." he seems flustered for awhile. Seems like his composure is caught off guard but he perfectly hide it inside his poker face. Standing likes there's nothing as he turns away and calmly put out his cigarette on the astray.

knock! knock!

and both of them were startled.

" Excuse me, we are in the middle of cleaning the hallway so please refrain to come out for a while." said the man outside. " We are sorry for the inconvenient."

Immediately in that second, her whole body feels the embarrassment. It becomes totally reddish, from her ears to her toe, as she froze still.

" Gres?" even when the princess called her, and the situation feels so awkward, she could not move a single inch from there.

" Go inside." just whenever that deep voice is heard, her whole body flinched. " I will bring your clothes."

" Y-yes?" she muttered in confusion.

" I said, go inside the bathroom!" the man said again after coming closer while bringing her clothes.

and she flinched as she looks up at this tall man in front of her. She flustered while looking at him with her reddish face. " YE-YES!" she said frantically, as her red hand trembled and she immediately go back to the bathroom and fell on her knees because of the tension.

The man himself is being left in awkward silence. While somehow the image of her reddish flustered face still vividly depicted inside his brain.

He covers his mouth with his hand as he then sits down while composing himself with an unfamiliar feeling that lingers inside him.

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