A stubborn little star [Mello x f!reader]

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Tw: Mention of disorders/suicide, taking pills(I think that's it. Let me know if there's more that need to be included:)

 Let me know if there's more that need to be included:)

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Living in Whammys was tough...

Orphans compete against one another to score the highest, and sometimes for the sake of proving one's worth of being deserving enough to succeed the detective in the future, the kid would exhaust itself with the stress and body pain that develops along sitting in one position to spend hours and hours-long study schedule.

Truth be told, no one cared what critical tolls the late-night studies were taking onto its practisers who would end up being sleep-deprived or live with a risk of being subjected to several physical diseases and mental problems such as overthinking at the least, and up to depression and having suicidal thoughts, suffering from a series of very disturbing yet nerve damaging disorders.

And to some extent, your dear friend Mello was a subject to such a similar threat as well.

He would never give up on his chocolate diet.
He was addicted to the source that helped him stay up late nights, studying restlessly. And maybe that may alone be the reason behind your hatred for the sweet. In contrast, you hated the chocolates.

But aside from all the hate, you were gifting the blond a bar of chocolate, a treat as a condition on losing one of your bets.

"Jesus that stinks! How do you even eat it." You had commented while watching him gobbling down your gift with ease and fulfillment in his eyes. It made you think if he was food-deprived too.

"Just shut up already! You don't have to insult it just because you're not the one eating it," He grunted through the heap of chocolate threatening to leak out of his lips. He was a mess!

"I've told you enough, won't repeat it! So hear me out for a final time, I hate--"

"Chocolates..." Mello phases out, much to your surprise... You thought he neglected your part of all those talks you had with him, sharing all the sorrows and opinions.

"That's right... Why would you say that if you've been aware of it?" You reencountered.

"On hoping the miracles would pass through your thick skin someday," He retorted and gulped down the last bits of the sweet.

"Miracles? You're one to talk," You still remember the way his face would morph into disgust when all the orphans would be praying to god for the peace of their parent's souls in visiting their graves.

"Tch, whatever." You watched him shrug and storm off to his room.

When the stars started to twinkle brightly and fill the entire sky until the reach of your eyes, you had decided to invite the blond to skip his night schedule and stargaze with you.

"Mello..." Your breath hitched when you noticed the pills spread and splattered across the floor. You quickly ran to him, reaching his fragile state with limbs trembling and eyes bloodshot wide. He stood with fear.

"What have you done to yourself!?" His hands clutched onto the fabric wrapped around your back and muffle onto your loose hairs. "Y/n, I'm tired... I'm so exhausted from all these late-night studying, I wanna rest too."

You hugged him back with a hand soothingly brushing his shoulder-length hairs and the other gripping onto his shoulder, firmly.

"You can rest now... You've studied enough, you've been working hard enough for it to spare you some break, Mello. You're growing well enough, let yourself rest and recover too. Your health needs your attention, needs care, and love. Please rest now..."

You felt his chest rise and fall slowly as you were doing so yourself, to help him calm down and relax from a panicked state.

His chin rests on your shoulder while hands slowly retreat themselves from grasping you. They shift their position and hang alongside his hips.

After a while of providing him warmth and comfort, your mind tacked onto the initial thought, the actual reason behind your arrival there.

Your fingers intertwined with his as you broke the contact and stared into his ocean eyes.

A muffle was heard from him as a response, making you notice his swollen cheek and bitten lips. He must have been biting on them, hard.

He felt your fingertips touch his lips and caress them with your thumb along with delicacy. He parted them open to speak when he was interrupted by a sudden pull by his wrist.

His gaze captured your excited eyes as they looked towards the door with urgency.

"Wha-what are you doing?" He stuttered pacing along with you, exiting his room with soft foot thumps.

"Shhh, we don't wanna get caught in curfew now, do you?" His heart melted at a flash of your lips curved into a smile, looking at him fondly. He sighed patiently.

When you'd have reached your destination, his eyes were met with several shooting stars and a bright diamond moon, decorating the view along with its little glowing companions.

"Sweet! Now sit here with me," His ears took in your chocolate-like sweet voice, healing his worries away.

Your pat on the roof floor just beside you, made him hurry over and obey your words.

"Aren't this a beautiful sight?" You'd have broken the silence and were answered with a hand placed on top of yours, grasping it.

"It is, just like you Y/n," He swore he'd have seen the quick flush of cherries sprinkle over your cheeks which had made him laugh a little and receive a light nudge on his arm as a response.

"You're even nagging me from the sky Mello!" Your voice comforted him more than anything.

"What? How on earth am I in the sky now!"

"Look over there," your fingers pointed towards the northeast direction and his attention followed your suit.

"That little star you see? The brightest one among its neighboring ones,"


"No matter the clouds or other stars trying to dominate over, it always has been shining through it, stubbornly."

His pupils dilated in reaction to a realization that hit him with a million of reminiscing nostalgias of his past including his dear mother, making him feel at home and so much more. 

"A hell of a stubborn little star you are!" You smiled brightly at him and let the words play the role for his medicines. 

Author's note;

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Author's note;

I hope this one-shot would do for my sins not updating the series and taking so long when did. I greet you a nice and safe day/night! You matter! <33 

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