[7.Tubbo] Walk For Fun

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Ah, yes, what a nice thing to start a lovely day. I walk downstairs because I heard someone screaming, and I'm guessing it's Tommy. I head to the kitchen and saw Tubbo and Tommy tries to cook something.

"THE FIRE WAS SO BIG," Tommy shouted.

"What happened?," I ask curiously.

"I teach Tommy how to cook a steak, suddenly the fire went through the steak and blow up," Tubbo said.

"THIS IS AMAZING," Tommy cheers.

Looking at them having a good time. I realized that the only person who wasn't asked me to hang out yet is Tubbo. I smell a parent figure coming out from him as he taught Tommy how to cook. Since today is Sunday night, I'll go ask him if he wants to take a small walk outside.


"AHHHH THE FIRE COMING OUT AGAIN," Tommy shouts. Maybe I am going to ask him if they were finish with their cooking class or whatever it is. I guess I'm going to check on Ranboo then.


"So that's how you solve Maths Logarithm's questions. This will you learn at the next semester, but we can prepare for it!," Ranboo explains. Which I was staring at the wall for the whole time.


"wha- Oh, Oh yeah that's cool umm I need to leave now because I have other things to do," I get up and left Ranboo behind.

When I'm about to close the door, I heard some steps behind me. I turn around and see Tubbo walks up right here.

"Hey (Y/n), I just finish taught Tommy how to do cooks,"

"That's great, Hopefully Tommy doesn't blow up the kitchen soon,"

"I guess he will, so we better keep an eye on him when he's around the kitchen,"

"Anyway, umm Do you free tonight?"

"Yeah, as long as Ranboo doesn't pull me into his ambition work,"

"Amazing, I wanted to ask you if you want to take a walk outside, and maybe we could catch food later?"

"Sure, did you invite Ranboo and Tommy too?" okay (Y/n) Let's use a bit of lie.

"I did but they refused, They said that they have works to do, so you're the only one left,"

"THEY REFUSED? WHY? THIS IS ONE OF THEIR JOB TO BE YOUR GUARD!" Before Tubbo walks pass me, I stopped him.

"No no no, it's okay, They already worked very hard. They deserve a break after what happened to me before," Tubbo seems to agree with me.

"Alright I guess they are deserved it as well," After that Tubbo asked me where we were going tonight. I ask him about his favourite places, but Tubbo doesn't have one.

"How about we walk around the neighbourhood?  You know it's very relaxing at night,"

"I guess that worth a shot," We both nod at each other and walk back into our business.


It's recently 7 to 8pm, this time. The outside is still not as dark as the usual nighttime. Since it will be cold outside, I decided to use a coat and some kind of big trousers to keep my body warm and affectionate. I also pull down my window's curtain and keep everything closed before I left. I have my wallet and my phone with me. Alright, time to go on my date with one of my bodyguard. Wait, that sounds weird. Never mind.

When I head downstairs, I saw Tubbo stands in front the door. He wore a green jacket, Navy jeans, Black shoes and gloves?. Well I guess it'll be better if I'm not mention it.

We go out. The streets is kinda crowd, Because it's Sunday's night. Everyone went out to release their stress or have a good time. Maybe just like what we do now. We walk straight forward, let the sidewalk bring us where ever into. Until something catching up both of my eyes.

"Hey do you wanna get food? There's a foodtruck over there," I pointed the foodtruck across the road.

"Sure, but I don't see any crosswalk," Tubbo looks around.

"Nah, no worries," I said as I step into the road.


"DON'T WORRY MAN THERE'S NO CARS AROUND C'MON," Tubbo sighed and also step into the road. We basically jay walking, but who cares. We head to behind of the foodtruck.

"Hello, May I take your orders?" The man said. We look at the menu and it's all waffles.

"I take matcha waffle, What do you want Tubbo?" (if you guys don't like matcha, you can pick another flavour :D)

"I'll take the same,"

"Alright, 2 matcha waffles on the go," He said as he turn around to make our waffles. We sat in the chair that were behind us. A good 5 minutes of silence wen through. I like how Tubbo doesn't talk too much and just sitting while looking around. It's like he wanted to find something interesting to watch. Until he looks at me, He locked his eyes at me. The nights are windy, makes this scene more romantic.

"Hello you guys there?" We immediately look away.

"Sorry to break your good time man, but these waffles wont walk to the customers by themselves," The man said as he handed our waffles.

"Ahaha.. it's fine here's the money. Also this is the money, keep the changes," I didn't check the money and turns out to be 100$. After that we left the foodtruck to continue our goodwalk. Oh god please don't let that happen again or I will be so flushtered.

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