[5. Tommy] Arcade

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Lucky, I can get out from hospital at noon, which is the same time when the school ends. We separate from Maya because her house is in a different way, so it's just 4 of us now. "Guys, stop following me from behind, just walk next to me!," "Isn't bodyguard always in behind?" Tubbo asks. "You guys are different, so c'mon walks faster!," I said as they catch up next to me.

"We're back!," I shout as we walk inside and Tommy closed the door behind. "Welcome back sweetie, now do you guys mind why I got call from school staff that you guys are not attending to school this day?" I knew it. "I-It's.... It's b-because-," my mom staring at me like a monster. "IT'S BECAUSE WE WANT TO BE MORE CLOSE WITH (Y/N) SO WE WENT TO THE PARK AND TEACH (Y/N) SOME SELF DEFENCE," Tommy cuts my sentence.

"Is that true (Y/n)?" Mother looked at me. "Eh... YEAH, YEAH OF COURSE THEY TEACH ME A COUPLE GOOD SELF DEFENCE," "Okay!, I will let you guys this time, but please do that outside school time okay?" Really? Just like that?. "EM OKAY MOM IF YOU DON'T MIND, I WILL HEAD TO MY ROOM," I said as I went to my room and close the door behind. Phew, that's very close, though.


"(Y/n)!" Tommy open up my door. "Hey!, at least knock the door first!" "hehe... Sorry, what are you doing?," "Just watching YouTube," I was lay in my bed and Tommy walks closer. "What's the video you're watching?," "I'm watching someone playing ddr," "ddr? What's that?," Tommy sat next to me and watch the video.

"THAT'S VERY COOL I WANNA TRY THAT," "Do you want to go to the arcade?," "What's arcade?," Okay so not all of my bodyguards are smart enough. "Arcade is where people having fun, They have a lot of games machine including ddr," Tommy's impressed "Sounds amazing, can we go to that place right now? Please...,"

"It's 8 pm Tommy, It's almost bed time," "Oh come on I'll protect you from the villains, I'M THE STRONGEST BODYGUARD IN THE WORLD," I guess it's not worth to argue with this kid. "Alright-alright but you owe me doing my homework for 2 days," "Homework is easy so come on,"

I sighed as I push myself from the bed, we went to downstairs and left the house. It tooks like 10 minutes away to the mall.


"The stars is beautiful," Tommy said as I look up to the sky too.

"Yes they are...*oof," I bump into Tom's back.


"NONONO It's fine, don't worry about it. We're already reach the mall, I lead you to the arcade," I said as we both head inside of the mall.

Since it's night time, The mall is pretty crowded. Lots of people coming with their own business. Such as date, hangout, work, movies, or even just wandering around realize that they're single.

We went through some shops and elevator and finally arrive at the arcade.


"Glad to hear. But before we play, we need to exchange our money into coins first!," I said. We walk into coin machine. We exchange for about 10$ we get 20 coins (I don't know the actual price for each coins)

"Here take 15,"

"Why you give me more than yours, we can do half and half,"

"I want you to try all the games around here, I already knew most of these,"

"THANK YOU," He said as he ran into the ddr machine. Funny how he quickly attracted to that game. I head after him and we both insert 1 coins at the machine.

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