[4] Slowly Broke Me

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Today I want to do something different. Every day seems very easy on me, because of my bodyguards around. You know, they are very strong and also very smart. Ranboo and Tubbo are good at almost every subject, but Tommy only good at P.E and he's doing okay with other subject. 


I text out Maya if she would come too or not. Of course, she said yes, and we decided to meet up at Dunkin Donut cuz they open up 24/7 in here. Also, they got very nice coffee. My plan is, I will do all my homework before 8 am and immediately get to sleep, so I can get like 7 hours of sleep.

Someone knocked on my door, "Come in!," The door opened, "Hey (Y/n), I just wanted to check on you," Tubbo said. "Oh, I'm doing good, just clearing all of my homework," "That's good to hear," After that Tubbo leave the room. Leaving the door open. Oh, fuck you.


'ONE DAY I KNOW THAT YOU WILL BE THERE, ONE DAY I'LL FOCUS~'  My phone alarm woke me up. I guess it's time. I wear my jackets on, sure that outside is very cold as fuck. Likewise, I take my wallet and left my phone behind. Why? cuz I don't think I need it, lol. I left my room and walk towards the front door carefully. Not wanting to wake up everyone.

I reach the front door and open it slowly, try to not make any sounds. After that, I close the door behind and run for my life. My heart is ticking so fast right now. I can't believe I made it out. My arms are shaking until I cannot control them. 

On my way to the Dunkin Donut, I tripped and fell to the ground. It's not like I tripped by a rock or small things. It's like a foot. "Ouch... what.." "Hahaha...." Wait, I recognize this voice. "Well...well...well, look who is this rat, coming out at early in the morning?" "Oh go away, fuck you," He kicks my back. "AAHHH.." "It feels hurt isn't it?," I tried to stand up. "Oh, want me to help you gets up?" He picked me up by the collar and throws me to the ground.  "AAAAGGHHH.."  I feel one of my bones is broken. "How does it feel, huh?" "Suck my dick," He began to kick me. Kick. Kick. Kick.  That's what he does to me over and over. Make the pain feel more painful with every kick. 

"You ain't fun any more, I will let you have your day at school...or hospital, haha..." He gives me a last kick, and he leaves me away. My mouth filled with blood, and I can feel pain all over my body. I can't take it. My vision rise to fade. "Ah shit," Until I can't see anything.



"Don't worry (Y/n) everything is going to be okay"  What?

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!,"  What's going on?

"Are guys ready?"  Ready for what?

Am I going to be alright?


A light... it's freaking bright. I open up both of my eyes. "(Y/n)?" Maya? "Thanks god, finally you're awake. "Where am I?," "You're in the Hospital," Not surprised because this is the 5th time I get injured.

"After you met Nathan... you always ended up injured like this, when this will end?..." Maya starts to cry.  "Shh, don't cry," "I'M WORRIED!" Maya yelled. "I-I'm sorry," She looked away. "It's okay I forgive you okay," Maya nodded, and she hugs me. She cried on my shoulder, she has never done this before. 

All of a sudden, the door opened harshly. "(Y/n)!!!!!," Ah yes my cousins  are here. "D..Do we interrupt something?" Tubbo asks. "No no no, just come guys," I said as they walk in and Tubbo close the door behind. "Oh shit (Y/n), you look awful!," Tommy said. "This is basically my fault for not keeping eye on you," Ranboo blame himself. "OURS," Tommy said. "No...no guys this is clearly my fault that I was leaving early in the morning, don't blame yourself," I push Maya gently from me. Maya wiped her tears.

"So did my mom know about this?," I ask. "No... I call Tubbo to come to the hospital and told him to not tell your mother about this." Maya said. "True, your mom thinks that you're going early to school, so after we left the house, we immediately ran over here," Tubbo said. "That's good, my mom doesn't need to know about if I'm in the hospital,"

"UUUUGGHHHHH... I SWEAR TO GOD IF I MET HIM AGAIN, I WILL BREAK HIS JAWS, AND PUNCH HIS STOMACH UNTIL THERE'S A HOLE ON IT AND EAT HIS KIDNEYS AND..."  "Tommy chill out, it's okay, at least (Y/n) is fine now," Ranboo tried to calm Tommy down. "I-I'm sorry, I just can't help myself," 

"Shit..." "What's wrong (Y/n)?" Maya asks. "My mom would get messaged from school that I skipped class, isn't it?" "Oh god..." they said. I guess we must prepare a good reason, so I would not get grounded. 

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