[3] We Protect You

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"Well well well, Look who is it, if it's not the nerd loser boy," Oh god dammit. "Listen, big guy, I don't want a deal with you right, now. Go back to your-" I got punched in the stomach by him. "Fuck!.." "Wow, you're brave enough to swear in front of the principal office.." Tease him. "Huh, says the one who picked a fight in front of it," I tried to fight back but ended up getting hit in every part of my body. Shit now a blood coming from my mouth. "Oh, seems like a little nerd is very weak right now," I wipe the blood with my hand. "Just leave me alone!," I shouted.

"I won't leave until..." The principal door opened. "(Y/n)!!," Tommy looked at me before he looks back to Nathan. Tommy ran into Nathan and grab his neck, push him right into the wall. "(Y/n) are you okay?" Tubbo asked, Ranboo checking my wounds if it's serious or not. "I'm great," No I'm not. "We might need to bring you to the nurse real quick," Ranboo said. "Don't worry, I used to have wounds,"

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HIM!?, YOU SON OF A BITCH" Tommy shouted. "LET GO OF ME! LET ME GO!," Nathan screamed, he couldn't breathe. He's about to pass out. "LET ME GO, I CAN'T BREATHE!," Tommy won't listen to him. "Tommy, Let him go, please" I said.  After that, Tommy drop him to the floor. "FUCK..." He screamed. A little blood coming from his mouth too. "Get the hell out from here," Nathan walks away from here. "Oh god (Y/n) You looks terrible," Tommy said.

"Let's get you to the nurse," Tommy, as he wanted to grab my hand. "No, I'm really fine, don't wor-" I cough blood after that. "(Y/n)!!" They shouted. "Don't make this difficult (Y/n)" Ranboo picked me up again. "Hey! Drop me down!," They won't listen to me and bring me to the nurse office.

A nurse that takes care of the office immediately place me up on the bed. "Are you guys friends with him?," "Cousins actually," Tommy answered. "(Y/n) Never told me he has cousins before," The nurse said. "Wait, do you know him?," Tubbo asked. "Of course I do, he almost everyday ended up right here, isn't that right sweetie?," "Tehe... Yeah," I said as I rub my back head.

"Alright, let me take care of him, you three can go to class now," the nurse said as she's checking my wounds. "But-" "It's okay Ranboo, I'll be okay. You guys can go to class now you don't want to miss any class do you?," They have no choices.

They are leaving the nurse office. "Your cousins really care about you," Of course they are. "Yeah... They do care about me," The nurse finish with the bandages and stuff. "There you go, you should be able to join second period soon. Just stay here for an hour while I inform the teacher that you can't make it into class right now," "Thank you very much," The nurse smiled, and she went to grab her phone on the table to make a call.

I guess I'm going to close my eyes then. A nap won't hurt.


"GAHHH!!!..." I surprised by the bell. "Geez that's super loud," I guess this is second period huh. I look around to find the nurse, but she isn't here. Before I leave the office, I'll make a note for her 'Thank you' and put it in the table.

I walk into my locker room to put my bags and any unnecessary things. After that, I shut down the door and get surprised by a tall student next to me. "Oh hey Ranboo," "So mast- I mean (Y/n) I think I got lost, and apparently my next class is Biology, do you know where it is?," "Oh sure I got the same class as you, follow me,"

The hallway was weird, Everyone, especially girls looking at us. Seems like this tall boy gets attention from them. I saw Nathan too, he just looks away and playing with his phone. He looks like he doesn't want to mess with me this time. It's a good sign.

We went to the class, we sat next to each other at the back. My phone vibrate, I think it's from the others. Wait, we haven't exchanged numbers... I quickly pick up.

Lil Bitch Maya🥰: YO BITCH I HAVE THE SAME CLASS WITH TUBBO (*insert image Maya and Tubbo with peace pose)

(Y/n): I'M WITH RANBOO (*insert image, Me and Ranboo)

Lil Bitch Maya🥰: WAIT, WHO'S WITH TOMMY??


Apparently, Tommy got the same class with Nathan, which is not very good.

"(Y/n) The teacher is here, put the phone down," I nod and turn my phone off. "Okay class we're going to continue our lesson about reproduction, the next thing we're going to learn is about woman sex organ," I look around, and I can already guess it. The whole students are super focus and paying attention to the teacher.

"Hey Ranboo, why is everyone quickly interested with this lesson?," "No idea, but I guess they're want to improve their knowledge," That's bullshit, last time when we were talk about the clarification of plantae no one seems really care about it. After a long lectures, the teacher gives us a 10 minutes quiz which it has 5 questions to make sure if we really understand about it.

"Okay number one...." Okay, it's easy. They just ask about what the definition about. "Number two..." Right now, everything is begun more difficult. "I'm done sir!," RANBOO WHAT???. Okay, I need to mention that this bodyguard also smarter than me. Before he stood up and leave the class, he pass me a note.

'Here, take this, don't get caught'  Along with drawn face with peace hand. WELL, I NEVER SAID I WON'T ACCEPT THIS. So I copied all the answers and change it a little, so the teacher won't find it suspicious. "I'm done, sir!," I stand up and hand my paper to the teacher. After that, I catch up with Ranboo outside the class. 

"Ey thanks for the answer, Ranboo," as I smack his left arms. "Anytime," Ranboo replied. I feel some footsteps towards us. "HEY (Y/N)!," Tommy shouted, along with Tubbo and Maya behind him. "Looks like you're not alone at lunch this time," 

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