Chapter 7

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Tonight is opening night, meaning that my family and friends are gonna be watching the show, and seeing me afterward, and maybe going to dinner with them and inviting the cast and their families. Also meaning, they will be seeing Ben and I kiss....needless to say things get a bit awkward in rehearsal when we have to do our reprise of Something to Believe in. But it's fine, at least I think it is, im not completely sure. I'm currently setting in my dressing room scrolling through instagram because im already in costume when suddenly there is a knock on the dressing room door. "Come in" I say the door opens to reveal Ben, who also in costume. "Mind if I chill in here until we have to go on?" He asks "I dont mind, it can get lonely in here without Meredith or Melissa." I reply. We talk when we eventually here the Overture coming to an end, we run to get to places. Here goes nothing. 

"Hey, Albert, Elmer, Specs. You heard Jack get a move on!" Ben says putting on his accent. 

"I was having the most beautiful dream." Sky says also putting on his accent while walking to where Ben and I stood in the towers.

"Ooo, a pretty girl?" Ben says

"A leg of lamb." Sky says 

"Hey look its bath time at the zoo." Demarius says

"I though I'd suprise my mother."

"If you can find her."

"Hey who asked you!?" We all yell at Sky

"I need a new selling spot, you got any ideas?"

"From Bottle Alley to The Harbor, it's easy pickings guaranteed." Ben says

"Try any Banker, Bum, or Barber" Iain says. Here goes nothin'.

"They almost all knows how ta read." I say

As we continue through the show everything is going pretty well.

It was currently intermission, I was getting into my Act 2 costume, while doing my cut's and bruises. Thank god for playing hockey and having cut's and bruises from being checked and checking other players, cause it's gonna help me with how this SFX makeup looks. Once im done i see a notification from Ben pop up, he texted me asking if i can come and help him with his makeup. So, know here I am speed walking down the hall to where Ben, Sky, and Josh's dressing rooms is, knocking on the door. "Hey, thanks for coming to help!" Ben says after letting me in.

He sits down in the chair at his station allowing me to start doing his bruises and cuts.

"I just wanted to make sure before we go back on and I don't have time to ask. Do I have your permission?" He asks a few minutes later. I was a bit cut off guard, so I played dumb. "Permission for what?" I ask in a confused tone. "To kiss you during our little moment thing during our reprise." He says slowly "Cause we've never actually done it in rehearsal." He adds. Not even thinking before I spoke, my mouth opens "Sure" I say. "Sh*t I don't mean that In a weird way, what I meant to say was you have my permission." I say quickly. "No, we totally knew what you meant. You didn't think before you spoke." Sky and Josh say, suddenly appearing in the room with Chaz and Demarius. "How the f**k did you guys get in here?" I say. "It's our dressing room too, not just blondies." Josh says in a sassy tone. "Well, you still could have knocked." Ben says in a sassier tone, backing me up. "OH, IM SORRY WERE YOU GUYS HAVING A MOMENT? YOU CAN WAIT TILL YOUR WHOLE SONG TO HAVE YOUR LITTLE MOMENT!!" Josh yells. "I WILL TAKE AWAY YOUR BACON PRIVILEGES." I yell back "YOU WOULDN'T DARE." Josh says back dramatically, while walking out of the dressing room, slamming the door on his way out. "Jesus, he really has an attachment to bacon." Sky says. "Hey Demarius, how come when Nova says cuss words, you don't yell at her?" Ben says "Cause you sure yelled at me earlier in rehearsal." He adds "Because I'm his favorite." I say in a duh tone "What no you not! He doesn't have a favorite." Ben says in a sassy tone again. "She is actually right." Demarius replies in a sassy tone looking at Ben. "NOT FAIR." Sky and Ben say at the same time. Chaz looked like he just wanted to go back to the hotel and go to bed. 

~Time skip brought to you by Sky pushing J.P. on a luggage carrier in a hotel.~

King of New York has just ended, it was time for Ben and I's "moment" as Josh and Sky would say. "You feeling ok?" Ben asks noticing how shaky my hands were. "Yeah, just a little nervous because my family is here. I've been like this all day it just hasn't been this bad since King of New York." I say casually. "Everything is gonna be alright, I promise." Ben says calmly "What if i trip going up the towers?" I say nervously "I'll catch you." Ben replies. (I HOPE YA'LL KNOW IM SCREAMING WHILE WRITING THIS WHOLE PART. YOUR WELCOME) Soon our cue came while we were about to walk onto stage, Ben hold's my hand. Which wasn't scripted but i still went with it. 

5,4, This was all my mind could do at this point while Ben and I were belting out the last note before our kiss. 3,2, Oh my god this is actually happening.

1, Before I could even blink, Ben's lips were on mine. It was a soft and gentle kiss. As the light's dimmed we pulled away and ran off stage. Off to the wings. Off to Midtown?

~Marie Spills the Tea~ 



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