Chapter Two

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This was it, I was finally venturing off to New York to live my lifelong dream. The only minor issue is that I'm not going to be with some of my biggest supports, my family. Although it will be hard to leave I'll see them soon, after all the tour is coming to Tennessee only a month after we are on the road. Well, I'm not leaving for the airport yet. I'm packing currently, I've decided to let my siblings and mom help me pack. Very wrong idea.... "Are these those things you use to stop babies from coming out?" Matt say whilst holding up a tampon, "MATT NO PUT IT DOWN!" I say to my oldest brother. "Make me." Matt says, knowing I'm very competitive, therefore i tackle Matt. He obviously forgets i used to play ice hockey. "Ow, MOM NOVA HIT ME" Matt says "Good let her." My mom says sarcastically. Preslee, Jack, and I just laugh at him, looking hurt that their mom was on her side. "I think we've got everything ready to go." I say, looking over at Matt who was still laying on the floor sprawled out in the starfish position, pretending to be in pain. "Let's go get IHOP, then hit the road to Nashville so we can get you to the airport than Nova." Mom says  "Ok everybody go get ready, or atleast look somewhat decent and not looking homeless." Preslee says sarcastically, partially. Once everyone is ready we get into the car and head off to IHOP. 

~Small Timeskip to IHOP~

"HONEY, HONEY HOW HE THRILLS ME. OH, HONEY HONEY." My siblings and I sing our hearts out to ABBA while in IHOP, getting very weird stares from anyone around us, also staring at our mom who was unfazed because it was normal. Once we were done eating, we ventured back into the car, obviously not excited for the 30 minute car ride ahead of us. 

~In The Airport~

"I'm really gonna miss you guys.." I say looking at my family "I SAY THIS CALLS FOR A GROUP HUG!" Jackson says, whilst chuckling we all group hug, then of course when we actually have a normal 'family' moment my gate number gets called over the intercom (Ive never been to an airport so idk how it works...)  "Bye SuperNova, We love you!" They all say to me as I start walking towards my gate after we've said our goodbyes. I'm gonna be on Broadway Babyyy!! 

~Marie Spills The Tea~

Word Count: 417 


𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙚𝙙 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝐵𝑇𝐶Where stories live. Discover now