Chapter 4: What?!

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Time Skip
Edmund, November 24th

Ugh, I have been trying to keep it a secret for so long.  It is so hard to keep a secret from Alex, but I have been good at keeping this secret. Alex is very excited about all of this but I don't like it because I
Cant cook.  God, it feels good to get that off my chest.

But there is another secret that I haven't told anyone, no one knows about this well maybe Axel because Luke couldn't keep his mouth shut.  Sorry.  Luke whimpered in my mind.  It's not your fault Luke, you were excited.  I said back to a now cowering Luke.  At least you told Axel not to tell Alex.  I said very relievedly. 

You're right, it was a very good idea to have Axel block Alex from watching.  Luke said preening himself. It was a very good idea Luke, Thanks for that.  I said giving him more attention than he needed.  Luke already gets a lot of attention from Axel he does not need me to add on to that much attention.  Hey!  I hear Luke in my head but ignore him. 

Alex wants me to go to Thanks Giving dinner with the entire pack, and I don't really want to.  I don't want people knowing I am the Luna especially my Father and Mother.  They would have my head and poof me, Alex, Luke, Axel, and the unborn child are all gone.  "Hey, Pup,"  Alex says walking in the door to our bedroom.

Once we mated we got a room far away from all the commotion of the packhouse and settled in.  A week after moving in, I thought I had the bug so I went to go check it out with the doctor and he told me I was pregnant.  I was over the moon and scared to death.  I always wanted children, especially with my mate, but I don't know how he, or his family, is going to react to me and our child. 

"What's on your mind?"  Alex mumbled while kissing my skin.  "Can I tell you something and you have to promise not to get mad at me or yell at me, please."  I said softly hoping he would say, "Yes," he said.  "Alright, you might want to sit down for this,"  I said and he listened while dragging me with him, he sat down on the bed and placed me on his lap. 

"You can tell me anything, Pup."  He started to rub my back.  "I am pregnant and you're the father, obviously," I mumbled loud enough so he could hear me.  "WHAT?!" Alex said sounding shocked and confused.  I quickly buried my face into his neck and breathed in his scent.  "I AM GOING TO BE A FATHER!"  Alex said very excitedly.  He picked me up and twirled me around, being very careful of my stomach.

"Oh shit, I'm going to be a father.  Fuck, what will your parents think?  What will my parents think!"  Alex said the room suddenly getting very quiet.  "My parents are not my parents anymore.  Your parents, I don't know what they are going to do, but I think they'll love the idea."  I said hugging him to my fullest.  "What do you mean they're not my parents anymore?"  He questioned me. 

"They, um, did somethings to me and, um, ever since you came to find me on October 17thI have never talked to them,"  I said on the verge of tears.  "Pup, can you tell me what they did to you?" He said in a very calming tone but I was not ready.  "C-can we maybe talk about this later?"  I said not fully ready to tell him. 

"Sure Pup, whenever you are ready I will listen,"  Alex said and brought me into a very passionate kiss, filled with love.  The door opened and I and Alex stopped kissing.  "Was I interrupting something?"  Alex's mother, Lilian, said.  I flushed a bright red and hide in Alex's chest.  "No, it was just a simple kiss nothing more nothing less,"  Alex stated and Lilian totally bought it.  "Mmh, anyways Edmund your parents are here and they request to see you."  She simply stated and left.

I didn't want to relive the torture that I endured all those years.  "Pup, do you want to go see them?"  Alex questioned me wanting me to feel safe and comfortable with everything going on.  "I am going to have to see them sooner or later so let's get it over with."  I simply stated and walked out into the hallway and to my 'parents'. 

"Edmund my baby come to mama."  My mother stated obviously putting on an act.  "We miss you so much."  My father said also putting on an act. My parents both wrapped their arms around me and gave me a hug.  They let go of my neck and I went to go protect my unborn child. 

"Hello,"  I said with no emotion and nothing else.  I was going to start speaking to them but my Father spoke up first.  "Alpha Alex may we have a moment alone with our son, please we haven't seen him in over a month."  Alex looked at me I nodded yes thinking they changed.  "Sure."  He stated and my parents dragged me off into a room and shut the door. 

"What the fuck do you think you are doing with the alpha?!"  My mother screamed, then there was a stinging sensation in my left cheek.  "I AM THE ALPHAS MATE!"  I snap back at my mother.  "Do not snap back at your mother young man, you are not the alphas mate your sister is." My father snapped at me slamming my head into the end of the headboard. 

I fell on the floor holding my head, "I don't have a sister."  I stated and looked at my parents, their lips curved into a sly smile and a girl entered the room.  "Hello Edmund, I am your sister and the alphas mate.  My name is Lila."  She stated she looked nothing like me or mom or my dad. 

I looked up at her she had long black hair, pale skin, and silver eyes.  She is a shapeshifter.  She came close to me I backed up and wrapped a protective arm around my stomach.  My parents watched in awe as they saw Lila work her magic.  I hit the wall and Lila grabbed my head right where I was bleeding. 

she took her hand back and licked the blood up off of her hand.  Her body started to melt and she transformed into me.  "Hello Edmund, I am Edmund."  She said in the same voice and everything.  The only thing was They did not know I was pregnant. 

"HELP!!"  I screamed as loud as I could and it worked Alex came running into the room and my parents stopped talking.  Lila looked over at Alex and rushed over to him.  "Alex my parents brought a fraud."  She stated and got all up in my mate's face.  Alex pushed her aside and gave me a hand up. 

"Now which one of you is the real one?"  Alex questioned both of us.  "Me!"  Both me and Lila shouted at the same time.  Alex came up to us and was going to sniff our scent glands.  Lila gave into submission easily, on the other hand, let him growl at me then bow my head in submission to him. 

"You both smell the same,"  He started, "What is my wolf's name?"  He asked an easy question.  "Axel."  I and Lila said in unison.

"Both the same answers.  What is your wolf's name?"  He asked another simple question, "Luke."  I and Lila said together, again. 

"What is your favorite food?"  Alex knew the answer because I requested this food almost every single night.  "Dinosaur Nuggies." I and Lila said in unison.  I am starting to get really fed up with her.  I thought,  Me too.  Luke chirped in.

"Shift," Alex said with his Alpha tone.  I was so pissed off at him he should never use his tone on his mate, but I understand why he had to do it.  I and Lila shifted into the same wolf. 

"Interesting."  He said and tapped on his chin probably thinking of more questions to ask us.  "Where is your birthmark on your beautiful body, and what is it shaped like,"  Alex said and I and Lila shifted to answer his question before I answered I looked over at my parents to see their shocked faces. 

"On my ass and it is shaped like a duckie."  Both me and Lila said in unison.  How much does she know about me?  Alex looked at both of us in the eyes.  He looked at Lila first and she shivered under his gaze then he looked at me.  I stared into the eyes for what seemed to be forever.  I smiled.

"Two more questions and then we are done and I will pick the real Edmund.  What is your nickname?"  This one is easy and the sun orbited the earth.  "Pup."  I and Lila said in unison, again.  How much fucking information does she know? 

"Last question, What is the secret you told me?  I want to hear it again, Pup."  Alex said While shifting his gaze from me to Lila.  "Left Edmund you go first."  That wasn't me that was Lila.  "I am pregnant.  Take that imposter." Lila guesed with a smiling smirk. 

"Alright, Right Edmund."  He said and looked at me in the eyes.  "Well, we fucked on October 18th, and today I revealed to you that I was pregnant, and you fell head over heels in love with me again and spun me around and kissed me then your mother interrupted us and thought it was something more,"  I stated very confidently.

"The real Edmund is..."

What Alex said broke my heart. 

Word Count
    - 1662 -

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