Chapter 3: Me And Him

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Switch POV
Axel, October 17th

Luke is so cute. 

I love his white fuzzy hair and his icy blue eyes that kill me when I look into them.  Luke comes up to me and nuzzles his head into my chest while I nuzzle my head into his neck, scenting him so everyone knows that Luke is mine, and mine only. 

Luke backed away and sat on his hind legs like the good boy he is.  I loved how he sat on his legs and looked at me with utmost curiosity. 

You look very scary from here, Luke said through the mind link and started backing up.  Don't be scared Lu, I would never hurt you,  I will only love you.  I said back to him and Luke moved closer to me.  I started to lick him showing him all the love I have for him.  Ew, stop that Axle.  Luke whined in my head.  It was cut to hear him whine.

Let's go back home.  I said and he nodded his head.  We are on our way to the packhouse.  Luke was getting sleepy and started to dose off while walking.  I had to keep nudging him to keep him from falling asleep.  Luke did not really like that, he would growl at me when I nudged him awake, he was so cute. 

We were a minute out, I looked over my shoulder to see Luke falling asleep.  I quickly rushed under him to keep him from falling.  I was successful in getting him on my back and bringing him through the packhouse.  I had to be very careful bringing him upstairs, for every time I went up a step he would fall down my back.

It took me a while but I was finally able to get him up to my room.  I don't think Alex would like to have me or Luke on the bed. No, I wouldn't, thank you for considering my feelings in this as well.  Alex said.  Your lucky I was thinking about you when I have our mate around.  I snapped back at him.  Fuck off you over-grown dogAlex yelled in my mind, ignored him, and placed Luke down on the ground.

I grabbed a blanket in case he got cold as a wolf and snuggled up next to him.  I started to inhale his scent of strawberries and vanilla.  It was ecstasy to me.  It was the drug that I got high off of. 

It was the drug that put me to sleep.

Edmund, October 18th.

I woke up next to something cozy.  I turned around and realized that the cozy was actually Alex, I snuggled back into him.  We were on a very cozy bed with a very cozy blanket on top.  "Did you enjoy your sleep?" A husky voice said behind me.  I did a very manly squeak, "Wha- it was very nice.  How was yours?"

"Mine was very good having you by my side,"  Alex said very softly into my ear, turning me on.  Alex hummed, "I can smell your arousal." He started to bite my ear lobe and I let out a moan. Alex hummed again, "Your moans are as sweet as your skin."  The heat started rushing down to my crotch.  It felt very uncomfortable. 

"Alex, I'm uncomfortable down there," I whined then an evil plan popped into my mind.  I moved my head up to his ear, "I want you to help me." I said seductively and felt his hard-on press up against my ass.  I moaned into his ear, making his hard-on even harder.  Making me moan louder into his ear.

That's when he pushed me off his lap and topped me.  "Tell me to stop."  He said clearly wanting me to feel comfortable to continue.  I didn't say anything wanting him to continue with what he was doing.  "Would you like to continue?"  He questioned seductively into my ear, "I want to be naughty, Daddy."  I moaned. 

He continued to take my clothes off.

***Not Yet***Horyness Be Damned***
Alex, October 19th

Waking up to a very scratched-up back and a very tired, hickey-covered, naked mate.  We are newly mated mates.

We had a very rough and fun night.  I kind of went at it a little harder than expected, but it didn't seem like Edmund minded it.  We went for 4 rounds before he gave in to sleep.  I wanted to keep going but I knew that Edmund couldn't take a lot more of it. 

Currently, Edmund was laying on my chest sound asleep, sweat drops sprinkled across his face.  I wiped the sweat on his forehead off and watched him for hours. 

Edmund finally woke up with a yelp of pain.  He started to whimper and shake with pain.  "Hey, hey, hey it's okay, it's okay.  I'll go warm up a bath for you to relax."  I said holding Edmund's shoulders calming him down.  He nodded and tried to find a comfortable position on the bed to relax.  I went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. 

I made sure that the water was not too hot but not too cold.  I went back into the bedroom but made sure to put some boxers on to make sure no more rounds would happen.  I picked up Edmund brought him into the bathroom and gently placed him down in the bath.  I was about to leave when a whimper pulled me back.  I looked back to see Edmund's eyes crying out for our touch. 

"Do you want me to join you?" I questioned and wiggled my eyebrows, making Edmund giggle and nod his head yes.  I took off my boxers and got in the tub.  Edmund, being Edmund, crawled over to me, got right up in my face, twisted around so that he was on his back, and laid against my bare chest.  I had to control mini-me from exploding.

I was successful.

I and Edmund relaxed there for hours until the water turned cold and we got out.  I wrapped a big fluffy towel around him he got warm while I grabbed clothes for me and him.  I tossed him my clothes and he got dressed.  He came out wearing my boxers and one of my favorite hoodies, he looked so hot I wanted to take him right there and then but I knew that he had just been through 4 rounds with me, and knowing me I did not go easy. 

Edmund went straight to the bed and fell asleep.  He looked very cute I decided to join him and fell asleep a little after him, drowning in his scent. 

Word Count
    - 1120 -

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