"How will you tolerate me in a home that you planned with Venus?", Her question unnerved me. I cannot believe I am doing this.

"Venus left. I'd have to move on. I know. She's not coming back. No matter how much I punish myself."

I feel her hand being put on mine, and squeeze it into comfort, "Her place cannot be taken. No matter how much you criticise her for leaving. It was not her choice to leave. No one chooses death."

We stayed silent after that. I do not expect her ecstatic agreement. She is not in love with me. Nor she's in need of money. Nor she's one of those girls who belong to my fanclub. She'd do it purely out of our friendship and may be because she loves Oliver.

"Uhm...can I get some time to answer you? I won't take long.."

I nodded, "Ofcourse you can. I'd ask you to keep your best interest in mind. Not mine. Or Oliver's. If you say yes, I'd be happiest, and if you say no, I will still figure out something."

With an acknowledging nod, she stood up from the couch and I followed. The reality of being here, at this place, finally hits me with full force. And I am reminded of everything...so much that I feel suffocating.

"You won't stay here... would you?", She asked looking at me carefully, "Or if you are planning to...I can ask Eric to come here..."

She's afraid I'd breakdown when alone.

I shook my head, "I can't stay here. It's not in my hands. But first, let me drop you back home."

She agreed and we left the mansion that I love and hate so much at the same time.

I guided her to the car, and as we sat inside, the pressure of all I said inside came down upon me.

"That was probably the shittiest proposal one could ever do.", I mumble to myself.

A chuckle escaped her lips, and I look at her to see her smiling, "It was a proposal nonetheless."

"Well, I didn't have a ring, or flowers or got on my knees or all that. Shit! Even Eric proposed with the ring! And that guy is the worst in being a gentleman in these matters."

She laughed and that made me ecstatic. I never knew a laugh can make someone look so beautiful. The corners of her eyes wrinkled in a beautiful way, and that sound. The sound could probably be used as a happy tune.

"It doesn't matter David. I understand."

"No! It was probably your first and I spoiled it so bad. Uh wait...", An idea struck in my mind, and I looked at the sapphire ring in my pointer finger on the right hand.

I removed it immediately and forwarded it to her, "If your answer is yes, wear it...if it is no...then clean it and return it. I haven't gotten the platinum cleaned for years now.", I smiled cheekily while she looked at the ring in wonder.

"Da..David! That is your father's!"

It is my father's. He was wearing it at his last moments. It was his wedding ring with my mother. He handed me this one when I was still two, and standing near his death bed. Jessica got me a chain, and I wore it around my neck for years because it didn't fit me well. When I turned twenty, it finally started fitting in my fingers. And I have been wearing it since then. This ring is like a habit of me.

"Yeah...so what! I have asked you an important question. It's only fair I show you my seriousness with something close to my heart."

She still looked reluctant, "David...I can't...that is the last thing your father gave to you..."

I shook my head, "Erica is the last thing my father gave to me. Atleast I found her the last. This ring is close to my heart, and I trust you with this."

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