Chapter 9: Family Meeting

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There was no more text so I turned my phone off. I really didn't need it for anything but a timer and watch and to get in contact with Toni. I didn't have anyone I could text with anyway.

"Mommy, mommy dressed." Caleb took my hand and dragged me towards my suitcase. "Want out. Want out." He jumped up and down excitedly and pointed at the window.

The weather today was beautiful and I knew he wanted to play outside since we hadn't done that in a few days.

"Okay, can you help me pick an outfit?"

He nodded and looked through my luggage. I regretted asking Caleb as I saw him throwing my clothes everywhere.

"Dis, mommy wear dis." He picked out a white blouse and a floral knee length skirt which matched his own shirt.

It was either coincidence, luck or Caleb had just a good fashion sense because the outfit he choose looked really cute together.

"Thanks baby." I kissed his forehead and he kissed my cheek.

"The kid has a better fashion sense than you." I heard Lijah say and Rome deny after that. I chuckled.

"Mommy change now." Caleb took my hand and dragged me back to the bathroom. I stopped at the door.

Caleb let go and rushed back to play with his toys. I pulled the skirt on over my shorts and took the shorts off then. I took a quick look and saw that nobody was able to see inside the bathroom so I took my shirt off and pulled my blouse on, then I quickly did my hair by pulling it up in a bun and washed my face then I put my grey contact lenses back in. 

I walked outside the bathroom and sat down beside Caleb.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in!" Rome screamed.

The door opened and in stepped Ian. Another one of the brothers. He looked startled as he saw me sitting on the ground with Caleb. Then he slowly looked up to his brothers.

"Well, dad and uncle Sandro want to talk to us." Then he looked at me. "You, well, there's breakfast in the kitchen."

I nodded at him and thanked him.

"Let's go and eat something before we play outside." I told Caleb and he stood up and took my hand.

Roman POV:

"Come on Darien, get your lazy ass downstairs." Lijah screamed up the stairs to get Darien to join us too.

Liah had already left with Caleb and went to the kitchen. I had really wanted to join her and accompany her but Ian said dad wanted to speak to all of us. And I had no idea why uncle Sandro was here too.

"Morning dad, Uncle Sandro." I greeted them as I stepped into dad's office. Uncle Sandro looked at me with big eyes.

"Did Roman just talk." I heard Uncle Sandro whisper to dad.

I ignored them quickly and looked around the room. Ian and Zac were already here and Lijah had entered with me.

"Where is Darien?" Dad asked.

"Here." Darien said as he walked through the door and dropped down on an armchair.

"So, what is this about?" Darien asked.

All of us looked at him as if he had grown two heads, wasn't it obvious what this was about.

"We are talking about what happened yesterday-" Uncle Sandro said.

"Isn't this about Rosalie, is it true?" Lijah asked.

"The result isn't here yet." Dad responded immediately, his expression was still hard and stern. 

Just last night I had heard some commotion in front of my room. Liah obviously hadn't noticed and thankfully stayed asleep. I of course checked what was happening and as I opened the door to my room I saw two guards stationed there. They said they had order from my father to keep an eye on 'the girl'. I couldn't believe how he didn't realize that his own daughter was standing right in front of him. 

I mean sure she didn't look like our Rosalie right away, her hair was dyed blond, but the rest. She was the right age, she had similar features to mom, and I shared some similarities with her too. And my feeling was undoubtably true, I wouldn't be wrong on this.

Seriously I would kill the one who would try to send her away again. I didn't have a say in it as I was a baby 17 years ago but now it would never happen again. I still held it against my father what he did 17 years ago. 

Right now I just wanted to spend time with Liah instead of talking about the possibility of her not being my twin, which was ridiculous. She was definitely my twin, I know that. I felt it the moment I saw her.

I didn't listen to the conversation the others were having, instead I was wondered what Liah was doing at the moment. Maybe she was still eating breakfast, I also heard her saying she wanted to go outside later and play with Caleb.

I sighed. I wondered if the kid was really her child, that would mean she was a teenager mom. but honestly I couldn't think of a way how it wasn't her own child. The kid was so attached to her and calling her mom and mommy all the time that it was hard to deny it. 

"Dad seriously, it doesn't add up." Ian spoke and dad frowned again.

It seemed like they had been arguing about something for a while now. I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Rosalie died 9 years ago, we have proof of it." Zac said this time. I tensed at his words and clenched my fists.

"Even if she wasn't killed, and someone faked the scene they could be behind this." Ian said skeptically.


I jumped up from my seat, throwing the chair down with the sudden action. I wanted to scream at them but no words came out. Everyone looked at me and Ian and Zac avoided any eye contact with me. Dad just sighed as he looked leaned on his desk.

"Calm down son." He said to me but I didn't calm down, I couldn't and I didn't want to either.

I could see Darien already standing up from his armchair and taking steps away from me. Lijah did the same on the other side of me. 

I felt my vision getting blurry and my head started to hurt.


My head snapped to the side and I looked out the window. The others did the same and we saw Caleb and Liah running through the garden playing tag. I could see dad smiling and Uncle Sandro leaned further towards the window to see better. I felt my heart rate get smaller and unclenched my fists. 

Knock. Knock.

"Yes." Someone called out.

A guard walked inside with a package in hand. 

I found my Family (On Hold) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum