Chapter 8: Sleepover

Start from the beginning

"Take him." Rome said with his scratchy voice as he carefully placed Caleb in my arms.

"I thought you said I shouldn't carry him anymore." I repeated his earlier comment.

"Well, he's lighter than all of those things." He pointed at my suitcase and the bag of the travel cot.

Darien had already gotten the stroller and the diaper bag and set it on the ground. "Here." He said as he held out the pink plush teddy to me.

I grabbed it and put it on my chest next to Caleb, he immediately held on to it even in his sleep.

Then we made our way back to the mansion but we didn't walk through the front door, where the butler had shown me inside earlier that day. No, we took a side door, seemingly to avoid meeting any guests on our way. We came into a hallway with a large staircase and Rome told me to follow him upstairs. As soon as we made it upstairs, he looked at me but hesitated to speak for a moment.

"We have a couple of guest rooms but you can also stay in one of our rooms. Only if you want to." He looked away shyly as he said the last part.

I chuckled softly at him. It was an adorable question coming from him. I didn't have to think long about it.

"I'd like to stay in your room." I said and it wasn't only because I wanted to get to know my twin.

The connection I was feeling with Rome made every doubt I had of not being related to him vanish. But that wasn't the only reason I wanted to stay in his room tonight. I didn't want to be alone in a strange place. I knew Caleb would be with me but there was no telling what could happen. Rome gave me a secure feeling and I had no doubt he would keep Caleb and me safe.

A big grin spread on Rome's face and I could see him make a little celebration dance behind me.

"Well then, my room is at the end of the hall on the left." He pointed towards the direction before picking mine and Caleb's things back up.

His room was lighter decorated than I had expected. The antique structure of the house and the modern interior complemented each other perfectly. The room was held in white and light grey with light blue accessories which complemented the white furniture. The bed was large and placed in the middle of the left wall. On the right side stood two desks, one with two monitors and a pc and one was free, probably to work at and study. There were also a few cabinets filled with some books and a few plants. The room was neat and clean and gave a warm feeling. Other things in the room where a large couch below the windows and another door to the left.

"Wow." I said as I took in my surroundings. "This room is beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." Rome smiled as he put my things in a corner of the room.

I placed Caleb's sleeping body on the soft bed and took his shoes off. I went to get his pajama from his bag and saw Rome and Darien quietly setting up the travel cot. I smiled at them as they tried to figure out how it worked. I decided to leave them to it and let them figure it out themselves as I started changing Caleb into something comfortable. As soon as I was finished with Caleb he started to stir in his sleep and started crying. I quickly picked him up and rocked him up and down saying calming words. I saw that Darien and Rome were done setting up his bed and I set him inside. Since it was summer I cover Caleb with a light blanket and gave him his teddy. He immediately clenched it tightly and his eyes closed again.

I let out a sigh when I saw he was sleeping peacefully again.

"He's adorable." Darien said beside us, as soon as I looked at him he avoided my eyes and looked away shyly.

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