I didn't know why but I released Rome's arm from my waist and without a second thought I engulfed the grumpy man in a hug. I could feel him stiffen under my touch but he didn't move or hugged me back. I waited nonetheless, not stopping the hug. Caleb was clenching tighter around my shoulder as I hugged the stranger.

"I don't know if it's true or not or if I'm supposed to be here or not but I think I'm your sister." I said into his chest and I could feel him move slightly.

After another moment I could feel something wet on my shoulder. I looked up without releasing the hug and saw the man crying silently. As he saw me looking up at him I felt him push by head back into his chest gently with one hand and his other arm rested on my back. He was drawing slow circles on it and I could feel myself tear up.

"I didn't want to cry." I muttered under my breath as I tightened my hug.

To my surprise I heard a soft chuckle above me. My cheeks flushed red as it seemed that someone did hear me. I closed my eyes to enjoy the hug even more. I never thought that I craved a simple hug this much. I hugged Caleb a lot but this was a completely different feeling.

We were soon interrupted my something wiggling and moving between us. I opened my eyes and came face to face with Caleb who had my cheeks in his tiny hands.

"Mom sad?" He asked worried with an adorable pout on his face.

"I'm not sad baby." I reassured him and released the hug from the stranger.

"Mommy crying." Caleb touched my face and I hugged him.

A few chuckles were heard and before I knew it I was being side hugged by Rome again. The grumpy brother stood a bit baffled and I could see him brush the last tears out of his face.

"Dad?" The oldest looking one looked questioning at Jonathan and I was sure they were still not  convinced, I couldn't blame them, I wasn't either. But the feeling I got when I hugged Rome made me push every doubt aside.

"Well," I brushed my last tear away and started searching for something in my purse until I found the right item. "Why don't we use this to make sure?" I held up the paternity test I had gotten a while ago. I needed to know for sure.

Jonathan looked at me quizzically and then at the test. "Fine." He said with a hard expression, I really couldn't tell what he was feeling. Him and some of the older men had a harder expression on than earlier.

"Why don't we choose a more comfortable place?" Cailyn wiped a tear from her cheek and hugged her husband. "You two must be hungry too." She looked at Caleb and me and I nodded weakly suddenly being aware of all the attention again.

We made our way to a big and open kitchen. Cailyn gestured for me and Caleb to sit at the round dining table with a corner bench that was surrounded by a wall of windows, it gave a beautiful view on the garden. I sat down with Caleb in my lap but he quickly climbed off and looked out the window. I did the same for a moment.

The garden was beautiful. A small path led from the kitchen door to both sides of the house and to the middle of the garden. The middle path stopped at a small pathway between a hedge and you could see a pool behind it. There were also several fields of colorful flowers lining the garden, you could tell that someone was taking great care of it.

I was still holding on to the paternity test in my hands and hesitantly placed it on the table. As I looked up again I saw Rome walking over to us with a tray in his hands behind him was the other man I had hugged with two bottles and a few glasses in his hands. Rome put the tray on the table and sat down beside me putting his arm on the armrest behind me. He was still smiling brightly, I smiled back at him.

Then my attention was drawn to the other man as he set the bottles on the table and placed a glass in front of me and a plastic cup for kids in front of Caleb. I smiled at the detail and care.

"Thank you." I said as he poured me a glass of water. As soon as he was finished I gulped it down in one go.

Rome chuckled beside me as he saw that. I wiped my mouth and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I had done it. I was in my father's house and he was actually listening to me and doing the test. I needed to be completely sure that he was my father and be prepared for what was coming. If he wasn't my father I wasn't sure what I would do. Mom would find me and-

"A penny for your thoughts, sis." Rome asked.

I looked up at him surprised and saw the other members of their family looking at us. Some were still looking coldly and calculating at me. I really couldn't blame them.

"Let go!" Caleb's attention seemed to be back on the people around us and he rushed back to me. He squeezed in-between Rome and me, he even put Rome's arm away from the armrest behind me and glared at him. He looked so adorable when glaring.

I could see a pout form on Rome's face but he didn't say anything. Then I saw Jonathan enter the kitchen and walking towards us. He stopped at the table and looked at the test which was still wrapped in a plastic bag.

"You sure you want this test, girl?"

I nodded.

"Dad, come on. I tell you it's her." Rome argued and I could see the other men look at their brother perplexed yet relieved.

"But she looks nothing like her." I heard someone whisper in the back.

"It's dyed." I said and everyone looked at me again. I looked down at my hair and fiddled it between my fingers. "My hair is actually black and not blond."

Jonathan looked at me for a moment and then took his part of the test, I took the other. We took a sample of our DNA and placed it back in the right envelope. God, this makes me nervous. Thankfully it would only take a few days until the result was there.

I looked at the now closed envelope as I heard steps beside us. A guard came over and Jonathan placed the test in the man's hand.

"Make sure it is delivered properly. And tell them to make it quick." Jonathan said and I could see the guard nodding and he left immediately after.

I looked a little closer at the people around me now. To my surprise two people from earlier were missing. Cailyn wasn't here and the one who was called Lijah, I think. Then I met the eyes of the man from the hall earlier. I was sure his name was Ian, it was on the invitation too.

"Happy Birthday, by the way." I said as I looked away from him. "Sorry for crashing your party." I added guiltily.

I glanced at him and he just nodded weakly into my direction, I could be wrong but I think I saw a smile tuck at his lips.


Suddenly the door to the kitchen flung open and I could see a man in his late forties enter. He had a furious look on his face.

"Jon, what am I hearing from the guests? You have a-" He stopped as he saw me sitting at the table.

Jonathan stood up and pushed the man out of the door again. The two were followed by the two oldest brothers. Rome, Caleb, me and the grumpy brother were the only people remaining in the kitchen. It was suddenly deadly quiet. I took my phone from my purse and looked at the time. 9:26pm.

Shoot. Caleb should have been in bed a long time ago. I remembered that he had slept a little over the day but I needed to make sure my baby was getting some sleep soon. I sat Caleb back next to me and he put his head on my lap without me telling him. I knew he was exhausted.

I caressed Caleb's wavy brown hair and saw him slowly fall asleep. My attention was brought back to Rome as he tapped my shoulder.

"You hungry?" he asked in a hushed voice and pointed at the tray in front of us.

There were a few sandwiches with different toppings and some cut fruits. I nodded slowly and took a sandwich with cheese and salad on it.

"I love those too." Rome whispered and took a cheese sandwich for himself. I smiled that we had something in common even if it was just our similar taste with cheese sandwiches. 

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