"Please Yunlan listen to me....for god sake! Please...." Shenwei stood up and was to hold Yunlan's arm "Don't!! don't you dare touch me, you're a profane human being!" Shenwei pull back his hand then close his eyes "they drugged me....and after that, I don't know what happened to me..." Shenwei said in his cries.

"I don't care what those people did to you.....but what you have done to me, that's very wrong" Yunlan growl in his anger "I did wrong? They raped me...and you saying I did wrong..."

"Rape? with you? huh!....but it's look like they not, you're pleading to them for get touched" Yunlan said in his sarcastic voice "I told you...they drugged me!" Shenwei protest and Yunlan again slapped him "Yunlan!!!!!" Xinci shout on his son "No dad....not today, it's over....what do you think I'll melt from his crying and shouting.

So I tell you one thing....it's not going to work on me! And my conscience won't allow me to give my name to someone else's sin who breathing inside him!!" Yunlan exclamation.

A sudden jolt Shenwei feels in his whole body.....his vision become blurry and his head spin.....Wei hold and blink his eyes to clear his eyesight, but he feels pain "AAaaahhhhhh!!!!" Shenwei cough and scream while holding his stomach......!!!!


In Hospital

After examining Wei, doctor tells Yunlan and the entire family.....that Wei's condition is not that good because his surgery, so keep Shenwei away from any kind of sudden things or else the child will be affected wrongly. Then doctor take his leave and Yunlan pick sleeping Roulan in his arm.....and about to leave, Xinci stop him "Where are you going?"


"what!?.......and what about Shenwei?" Xinci asked holding Yunlan's hand and other looked at him. "I don't care! What does he do.....where he going.....how does he live......I don't mind! and from today onward there is no place for him in my......LIFE!!" Yunlan coldly said then go but unknown to him......Shenwei heard everything, he hurriedly go behind Yunlan and hold his leg.

"don't leave me like this Yunlan.....how can I survive without you?"  Shenwei plead and Yunlan pushed him harshly.....Yao go to hold Wei, but Yutong stop him "Yutong?" Yao want to help his brother "if you go.....then never come back to me!" Yutong threatened him and other shockingly looking at his husband "Yutong ge! What are you talking about.... you out of your mind!!!" Xian shout.

"WEIYING!!!!" Wangji glare at his wife and Xian frown "but lanzha...." Xian interrupt by Wangji " I said shut your mouth! and I'm not going to repeat myself!!" Wangji warn him and other remain quiet. Shenwei stood up and asked help from his in laws....but no one utter a single word "I know....I did mistake, but please stop him....I'm begging you!"

Yunlan stop and turn back to crying Shenwei....he come close to him and grab his wrist then drag him....out of the hospital "Yunlan! leave me, where you dragging me....please leave me!" Shen struggle and Yunlan throw him on the road.....Shenwei fell on his stomach, but luckily he were covered his stomach with his hands.

"JUST GO TO HELL!!" Yunlan once again shout on him and left from there, taking their daughter with him....thunder strick happens and rain start pouring....making Shenwei wet and cold. Other family members do the same.....Yao and Xian crying looking at his brother, they come close to Wei and help him to stand.

"How it's happened ge?" Xian asked in his cries and Wei only looked at his father.....who standing there looking other side "D....Da...." Wei want to say but Mrs. Ming slapped him "shut up! don't you dare call us....mom and dad, you are not worthy....today you proof that you're a bad omen!!!" she angrily shout. Then Yutong and Wangji come.....and drag their wives.

Shenwei didn't say anything only crying standing silently in the rain.....Mr. Ming come close to him "I'm sorry son!" He fold his hand in front of Shenwei feeling guilty. Shenwei look up at his face "you lie to me....why? What did I do wrong with you, that you did this to me?" Wei fell down on his knees while crying heavily.


In aunt Ai house....

"You did great job, I'm impressed...." Zhujiu said to the event planner "I exactly do what you told me sir! but remember your word which you gave me...." Event planning said and Zhujiu smirk "I remember everything....don't worry, soon you will rewarded" Zhujiu make drink for himself and his henchmen shoot that event planner.

Zhujiu looked at him and shook his head "tsk! tsk! poor you...can't able to enjoy your reward" Zhujiu mock and gesture his henchmen.....clear the mess. Aunt Ai listening everything, she smiles on her stepson victory.....she comes to Zhujiu and praise him and other happily accept it.

"Now you happy mother?"

"I am! But not completely......Not until I kills Yunlan with his own hands!" aunt Ai said while gritting her teeth "he kill my innocent kids, only for his bitch wife....(eyes goes moist) what's their fault? I begged for him but he kill them...." aunt Ai start sobbing "don't worry! I take every revenge one by one from him and his.....sexy and delicious wife!!"

Zhujiu smile like evil person and Ai also smile while wiping her tear.


Zhao House

"mmmm.....*sob*mmmnnn....*cry* mama.....*sob* mama....*sob*" middle of the night Roulan start crying for her mama milk.... because she didn't drink it after evening, when they're in traffic. Yunlan pick her in his arms and soothe her for sometime....but baby still crying for her mama milk.

Knock......! Knock.....!

Yunlan heard knocking sound on his room door.....he open and found Yao "ge....give her to me, I'll make her sleep..." Yao said and Yunlan gave him then Yao come in his room....and try to feed her but Roulan wants only her mama milk....Yao looked at Yutong "Roulan is getting punished in the fight of your family" Yao said controling his tear.

On the other side Shenwei who standing in front of Zhao house.......looking at Yunlan's room window "let me in Yunlan please! Roulan needs me....." Shenwei inwardly saying while crying heavily.....he can easily feel the pain which was now become his destiny!!!!


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