truth to be out

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Kartik came back and saw naira arranging her clothes into cupboard her hairs were coming on her face he was standing there and staring at her adoringly........ Due to his continues gaze naira's attention she looks at him and they have beautiful eyelock!! Kartik came to her and pulled her she landed on his chest! She was looking in his eyes 👀 "kartik listen to me" he twirled her "say I'm listening" he said keeping his head on her neck ✨ ❣️ finally gathering some courage she says "Do you trust me?" She asked "kartik looks at her than he said "I trust you more than myself" she come out of his grip and says "Promise me you'll not hate me after listening the truth" Naira said as her eyes got moist.... He looks at her "Naira what's the matter why are you saying like this?" He asked "first you tell me you will not hate me" she asked "naira I will never never hate you but listening to your talks I can guess it is very big matter" he said she just hugged him and starts crying he got shocked by seeing her condition!! "Naira calm down pls don't cry like this" he was trying to calm her down!! "Kartik I didn't leave when u was in hospital Raghav forced me to do it" he break the hug and looks at her in shock "Naira just tell me what's the hole matter" he said seriously "kartik actually vohh..........

Kartik it's starts from the day when you confessed your love to me"

Flashback starts!

Few days later!

Kartik has realised his love for naira while naira knows she loves him but she didn't know he loves her or not! One day kartik calls Naira to tell him abt his feelings...... "kartik what happen is everything alright you call me suddenly is everything Okay" she asked "yeah Naira now stop questioning me everything is all right" kartik replied he keep his hand on his mouth!! And blindfolded her eyes.... "Kartik what are you doing" naira scream "stop screaming Sherni you trust me na" kartik asked "no I don't" Naira chuckled at his questions "okay I got my answer" Kartik said and he let out chuckle out!! Soon they reached their destination kartik open Naira's blindfold she got shock seeing the decoration "kartik what's this?!" She asked "you like this decoration?" Kartik asked "yes I love it" she said while adoring it "Naira actually I want to say something" kartik nervously asked "yeah asked" she said looking at him with a smile" "Naira I LOVE YOU" he said "what?" She was almost In shock "yeah naira I have fell for you this mendak has fell for the Sherni naira I knew it's very sudden for you but naira trust me I will not force you to be in in this relationship for me your consent your choice matter the most if you don't love me back that's okay!" Kartik said and she was numb hearing his sudden confession" "kartik let's go home it's too late" she said avoiding an eye contact with him he sense something weird "Naira what happen is everything alright" he asked "can we go know i don't want to talk on this topic!!" She said and he thought that she might be uncomfortable that's why he agree and drop her home the journey was silent none of them Sayed anything but in between kartik kept stealing glances...

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