Chapter 6

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Weeks have gone by and Rhett still hasn't called or texted me. Hes also been avoiding me, because every day since when we kissed, he'd rush out of our class, and during lunch he would still sit with all the in crowd kids like Veronica's clique. They'd usually be making out in plain sight for everyone to see. Sometimes right in front of me. I actually had thought he'd liked me. I guess not. If he actually wants to pull through with us he's gonna have to talk to me today. I'm not a clingy person he has to come to me. Especially if he still wants to help me find my parents.

Tomorrow me and West are going to Germany to meet up with our cousins and an ally named Finn. I met him last year ,but both know a lot to deal with our parents and what happened to them. They're the ones who had found some info on my uncle, and Finn is also in a gang so he has many persuasive techniques. Finn's father was in the same gang as my parents and his parents disappeared on him to, but they soon came back, but sooner or later the were assassinated by another higher gang in italy.

That's what's im afraid of after we find our parents I don't want to lose them again. For good time.

Currently I'm in my lit class and once again Rhett has yet to talk to me. I mean he's the one who said "Date Night". I'm mean that put emphasis that he actually is interested in me, but I guess he has a different method of getting a girl to like you because right now I don't like him. I'm mean he's attractive and sometimes he talks to me like I'm the most prettiest thing in the world. Usually when I'm blushing or crying or... What in the hell am I doing. I-i think I miss him.

After I was done with my paper I went up to the front to turn it in to the tray, I guess Rhett had the same idea also. We instantly clashed each other. He stared into my eyes deeply.

"Sorry." I mumbled, then discretely pushed passed him to turn my work in the tray. As I came back he was still looking at me, but as soon as I caught his glared he looked down at the ground. I admit I was kinda heartbroken when he didn't call me the next week or even talk to me. Who confesses they like you and not continue to talk them after. Obviously a liar, or he just found out he doesn't like girls, which could be common but not with Rhett.

My brother was ringing me, it looks important.

"Um...Mr.Callahan, can I step out my brother he only rings me in school when it's an emergency." I address her.

"Yes of course Mia." Mr. Callahan agreed.

As I left the class, I could feel Rhett's eyes on me. As soon as I got out I went into a near by janitors closet, and got a text. It turns out I'm leaving like right now. So I literally went to class picked up my bags and stormed out. Later Rhett followed me he wanted to talk but I just ignored him. I could not deal with him right now..

West> hey come outside. Alone. Finn said he'll be waiting at the airport in Italy tonight. Our flight is only 10 hours because I rented a private jet fro Williams.

Me> Ok I'll be out shortly.

"Mia?" Which I recognized was Rhett's voice. "Why are you leaving? Did I do something?" Rhett pleaded.

"Um....yea I'm leaving, but not because of you. That would be stupid if I let you actually get to me and make myself leave." I corrected him. You don't know how much he infuriates me. Because he says that he likes me, but goes ignores me ,and then when I'm out of his sight he comes and tries to talk to me.

"Is this because we haven't talked in a while?" He claimed.

"No it is something completely different than that" I said, " yunno...that I know that your a player and all, and what you said to me before was all just an act, that everything you do is fake. I just can't trust your words any more, and me and West don't need your help because we have Carter and Finn. Your a player Rhett and no one plays me, so you can run along and find some other helpless girl in this school because I'm not taking all your bullshit." I finally finish taking a deep exhale after. He just stood there a little flabbergasted.

" I might be a player Mia, but I never intended to play you." He responded.
I've had enough of this. He's ridiculous.

"Well you did buddy and you can take it back, I really have to go or I'm gonna miss our flight." I told him. Shit! Didn't mean to include that last part of information.

"Flight? What flight? Where are you going?" He asked.


"Why go to Germany. What's in Germany?" He questions.

"Finn." I deadpan.

"Who the hell is Finn?"

"A friend of mine."I said bluntly.

"Oh really, so do you guys like talk?" He inquired.

"The hell with all the questions your gonna make me late- goodbye Rhett." I finished and walk out of the school and got into the car with west and made our way to the airport to Germany.

Sorry for the wait. my old phone broke and I finally got a new one updates will start up faster now:) n I'm sorry for it being so short, more to come though comment your ideas are for the next chapters and vote plz☺️👍🏽

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