Chapter 4

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After Rhett left I pretty much died due to boredness, which isn't even a cause of death but I had nothing better to do I went out on a walk. West still wasn't home so I brought my dog Kimba just for protection. And she's a mastiff and she's our guard dog. We got her as a puppy a couple of months after someone broke in to our house but they didn't take anything ,so we just figured it had something to do with our parents.

When I was outside I walked along the sidewalk path all the way down to the park bench and sat down. It was dark and the street light was glowering above my head. Kimba was depositing her delegates over but the swing set. she wasn't on a leash because she is very well trained but she's trained in German so when other people tell her to stop she disobeys so if anyone I don't trust does something that triggers her instincts to protect, she won't stop. Unless the no German. I was watching Kimba while I got a text from an unknown number.

'You can't hide from us, we know what you have hidden from us. We will find it' the text said.

Then I here a familiar growl coming from Kimba. Her body was targeting a bush right behind me. Then I told Kimba 'suche' in German for search. She lunged for what ever was in the bush. She came out with a rat in her mouth and a cam recorder clutched in her paw. The cam recorder was still on so I turned it off and took it with me back to the house. I saw that there we three other cassette tapes in the holder attached to it. They were each labeled 'Botticellis' 1-3. That's my real last name. The one that was left in there has been in their for a while. The date said March 4, 2010. I went to the movie room and put the last one in. It showed everything from the day I got the letter till now when we found it. Someone had been stalking me for 5 years. They even got all those nights I cried myself to sleep trying to figure out what happened to my parents, and tonight when Rhett was over. How could I possibly figure this out so late. I could feel the tears rush to eyesas I realized Aurora and Demitri told me they were watching me.

I'd totally forgot about the other other tapes with my last name on them. So I popped the first one in.

It started out in some form of a interrogation the camera was angled to wear you could only see the people answering questions. At first it was a man who looked a lot like West, but with darker hair and a more sharpens jawline.

He was my father.

I could tell because of the pictures West found of our birth parents when they telegrammed to him when he was searching for them. They told him everything. You see West is three years older than me and he was in the same situation I was in and still am but he was put in a orphanage when our parents had him because they wanted him safe. He found me when he was 15 when I was at the ring with Carter. History sort of repeated itself when out parents had me. Except West knows a lot more about this than I, but he chooses not to tell me because he claims its for my own good.

They asked him questions in Italian like, "dove è il sacrificio nascosto" (where is the hidden sacrifice?), "perché si sta nascondendo da tua vera famiglia" (why are you hiding from your real family?), and "perché stai facendo a fare questo non voglio farti del male? siamo fratelli." (why are you making me do this I don't want to hurt you? we are brothers.) then the voice of my father spoke.

"Non so che cosa volete? Non ho nulla. Tu non capisci ... qui- tutto è stato portato via da me. Il mio cuore e la mia anima-svanirono con la nuova copertina di un gangster. Un mostro. Ecco perché ho lasciato Antonio. Volevo una vita migliore. E Margarette ha scelto di fare lo stesso. Non abbiamo niente insieme. Che altro si può desiderare?" (I don't know what you want? I have nothing. You don't understand... here- everything was taken away from me. My Heart and My soul- vanished through the new cover of a gangster. A monster. That's why I left Antonio. I wanted a better life. And Margarette chose to do the same. We have nothing together. What more can you want?).

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