Chapter 3

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(the twins are above ^or the side>)

After school I went to the library because Rhett had football practice so I decided to wait till he was done. All the books in the library I read nearly all of them, so I got bored really fast so I went on my Instagram. I had 4 new notifications.
@Official.RhettRj started following you.
@Official.RhettRj mention you in a comment.
@Official.RhettRj liked a photo.
@Official.RhettRj commented on your photo.

I looked at the comment. it was the video of me and he put,
Official.RhettRj-"Does she have eyes on the back of her head 😂😂😭😝 @Mi.a_avery gotta love her!" The video got 508 likes!!

Then I went to the photo he liked and commented on, and it was a picture I posted not to long ago. It was an off guard that Carter took of me. when we were at the pier a couple of weeks ago. Then his comment said,
Official.RhettRj-"😍 beautiful"


What was that supposed to mean? I asked myself. "Gotta love her"...could Rhett possibly like me? Or am I just being delusional. he told me I was beautiful, he said that he was interested in me because there's something about me that he can't figure out. Maybe this means that he just wants to know more about me and he just wants to be friends. I can tell that he hasn't a real true and loyal friend because everyone is scared and could easily turn their backs or cower in fear.

"Hey sweet cheeks!" I hear a familiar voice say. I can tell its Rhett.

"Hey... I thought you were in practice?" I told. He looked at me then opened his mouth again.

"It was cut short because coach had an appointment to be at." He said. he looked very happy for some reason. "So hey what's your number? Because we are partners for our literature class and we have a project due next week." He stated. I gave him a look, the willingly gave him my phone and he gave me his. I put my name as 'Your only friend that's a girl👩'. and he put his as 'the most sexiest man according to Mia 👅💦'. Yep I'm definitely changing that later.

"Wait where's  your car?" Rhett asks. Oh I totally forgot, my brother dropped me off with it and borrowed my car. Stupid West.

"My brother dropped me off this morning. so we'll have to go in your car." I explain to him.

"Hmmm I like the sound of that." he said as he bounced his eye brows. What an idiot.

" Your such an idiot." I reply.

"I'm your idiot though." He said

"Yeah, yeah whatever let's just go." I say and we hop in his car and gave him the directions to my house. We sat in silence for a while, then he turned down the radio.

"So about a year ago, my cousin Bradley used to fight at the Williams underground fight club, and he brought me down to his final fight." He started. I knew exactly what he was talking about. because I was his cousins opponent, and he ended getting brutally injured. So I was suspended from the ring. But everyone still remembered my stage name 'cariño'. But I could still train there asking as I didn't fight. "And the craziest thing about his last fight was against a girl. Yeah her name was 'cariño' and she was as fast as lightning. she beat the living shit out of Bradley he dislocated 6 ribs because he called Cariño a little bitch and a 'Daddy's girl'" he laughed. I remember that, Bradley was a pathetic fighter it was very easy kicking his ass.

"But the thing is, Mia the girl, Cariño, doesn't fight there any more. Also she has an older brother who fights there too, and he looks just like West."


How the fuck did he find that out. I'm in real deep now. He's probably going to kill me for hurting his cousin.

"And- Cariño kinda reminds me of you. Kind of short-Kind of. Has a fiery personality. the only thing is she had black hair and a tattoo." He finished.

Yeah I have a tattoo, it's my birthday and an cherished love written in Italian ' amore caro 'next to it on my right shoulder though. And the black hair was a layered wig with bangs. When I fought I'd put it on to hide my identity. Hopefully Rhett doesn't have extreme assumptions. So I changed the subject.

"How about that game of 21 questions? I go first." I started, then pausing for a question to pop up in my head. "What's your favorite song?" I ask. He looked at me then chuckled. Then threw us hand on his face laughing. I seriously didn't see what was so funny.

"It took you that long to think of something and you came up with that? Any way right now it'd be work song by Hozier or miss Jackson by panic! At the disco"he answers. Well he's got good taste in music.

"What's yours?" He asked me. Wow very original.

"Most defiantly Time to pretend by MGMT or Why do you only call me when you're high by Arctic Monkeys" he nodded satisfied with my answers.

"Okay what is the weirdest thing you've ever done?" I question him. as he thinks with is thumb and index finger on his chin then caressing his chin with his index finger.

"Ok, so do you know Robbie Remello, yea well in 9th grade he dared me to go up to this a little bit over weight women and ask her for a good time and "She" turned around and it was a drag queen and "she" excepted it. So ran away and Robbie got it all on film. Till this day he uses it for black-mail." he answered.

Wow that is weird.

"Who was your first kiss." he asks. Shit. I've never kissed anyone before. I looked at him and he caught my gaze. I could feel my cheeks get warm, then looked at my feet and smiled trying to hide my blush. "Awwe your blushing, that's so adorable... Wait have you ever kissed anyone. You haven't kissed anyone have you?" He asked surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" I retort. He looks at me flabbergasted. By now we parked in front of my house, just sitting here.

"Do you not know how many guys are attracted to you? Look at yourself in the mirror, tell me what you see." He says. I looked at myself- I didn't see anything extraordinary.

"Nothing." I reply. Then suddenly I felt lips on my cheek. A light blush rose on my cheeks. I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Now look." he points to the car mirror, "You're beautiful, trust me this isn't just coming from me but the whole locker room has your name in their mouth." He explains.

"Oh really, and what do they say?" I ask. He laughs then catches my gaze.

"Nothing I wont let them. Now come on let's start this homework." he says. then gets out and opens my door.

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