Chapter 5

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That is what Carter looks like ^^ or >> Luke Hemmings


When I woke. I felt something's heavy around my waist. Then I looked up and Carter was snuggled up next to me with both his arms around my waist. Then I remembered what happened last night. I tapped Carters cheek a couple of times so he could wake up.

"Hmm good morning, Beautiful." Carter says in his morning voice. I always loved his morning voice because he sounds like those actors in movies who wake up and say good morning. I don't know how he pulls it off but he does.

"Good morning go cart." I reply. Then he just stares at me for a moment like he's realizing something.

"Don't you have school in like 20 minutes?" He announced. Oh shit!

I don't have anything to wear. I could tell Carter could see my dilemma. I saw him gripping the edges of his Rolling Stones sweater then pulling it over his head. All at once. I could easily stare at his six pack and torso all day, but right now I'm running late.

" Are you done I raping me now?" I blushed at his comment.

" I was not!" I drawled. He gave me a smirk. Then hands me his sweater.

"Here wear that with what you have on. The schools ten minutes away from here you won't have time to change, I'll be waiting in the car." I thanked him ,and threw his sweater on over my grey camisole, then grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. I put on my glasses and got in Carters car.


"So your saying that when you woke up the first time he just bounced, and told West that he had some chick waiting for him at his house!?" Nova exclaimed as she vigorously chopped on her chicken caesar salad. Mayson facial expression was very surprised. As if I'd never come encounter with Rhett again.

"Yeah that's basically what happened." I confirmed. Her jaw was literally on the floor.

"What a dick!" She answered very loudly causing wandering eyes attention. I chuckled. Nova has always been blunt and straight forward about things, that's just how she is.

But I caught Mayson staring at something. I followed his gaze over to where Rhett usually sits. And he usually sits alone. But right now he had a blonde girl dressed in skimpy clothes sitting on his lap, and she was messing with his collar, Victoria Wilde. But the main thing that I caught was he was shooting daggers directly at me. He looked furious.

Why though?

"Why the hell is he staring at us?" Mayson asks.

"Ew no- he's staring at Ave." Nova reassured him. I was still looking at him and he was still looking at me.

"Why though? I mean he has Veronica Wilde on his lap for christ sake!" Mayson told. I glared at Mayson, because I heard him mumble something I didn't want to hear.

"That's what I'm trying to figure that out too." I said as I broke out of his little trance when the bell rung and stormed out of the cafeteria. I walked in the gym and went to the girls locker rooms to change into my athletic clothes. Which were a pink sports bra and a Smithson Valley high school cut off shirt and some nike Pro shorts. I got on the track before everyone else and started my two mile. I heard footsteps gaining on me. So I picked up my stride going faster then my regular jog. Then I heard them again getting even faster. So I went into a full sprint completely dusting who ever was trying to take me on. When I finished the two mile first, I looked behind me to see if my opponent was following after I was done and I saw no one.

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