47 - I get it

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When Kenny appears in the doorway again a couple days later, I wonder what shit is going down this time. But it's not just me he wants now. Pamela and I are both to go to the main hall. For a disciplinary assembly.

'What's a disciplinary assembly?' I ask Pamela as we make our way over to the main hall. She purges her lips and only meets my eyes shortly.

'When we get there, whatever you do, don't draw attention to yourself', she says. 'Don't protest. These things may not be pleasant, but they're necessary.'

Maybe it's just me, but it kind of sounds like she's trying to convince herself, rather than me. When we get to the main hall, a lot of people are already gathered there, but they're leaving an opening in the middle by the furnace. I scan the crowd and notice Alex standing a bit further on.

'I'm going to talk to Alex', I tell Pamela.

She nods. 'Remember, do not draw attention to yourself', she repeats. I nod a little nervously and leave her there at the edge of the crowd.

'Hey', I greet Alex. 'Do you know what's going on?'

He shakes his head. 'Don't think it's anything good by the looks on everyone's faces. There's a chair in the middle.'

I stand on my toes and see it too. I can see Katarina, Nikolai and Priya as well, at the other side of the crowd. I'm glad they're together.

'They must have found them', somebody says behind us. I turn around and find myself looking into Jody's grey eyes.

'Who?' I ask, although I'm starting to suspect what this is about myself.

'Dwight, Sherry, Tina', she says, resigned. She comes closer and lowers her voice. 'Look I'm sorry for the way I acted at dinner the other night, it's just... you haven't seen something like this before.'

I raise my eyebrow and glance at Alex. We haven't seen much of Jody since that night and I wonder again if she told Negan that we talked about leaving. Still, we weren't too careful, anyone could have heard it. I decide to let it go.

'It's fine', I say. 'Do you have any idea what's going to happen?'

Before she can answer, the loud noise of wood on metal draws our attention to the balustrade. Negan has appeared, looking victorious. We all drop to our knees.

'I want to thank you all for taking a moment out of your busy day to meet me here', he starts his speech. 'But I can't help but notice that you all have a look on your faces like somebody just stole your last piece of candy. There is no need, because I have good news.' He waits a moment for dramatic effect, before he makes his announcement. 'I'm getting married! Again.'

I raise my face in my surprise, momentarily forgetting that I'm not supposed to. Negan is smiling and looks over the crowd triumphantly. Some more people have looked up throughout the crowd and a bit of murmering travels through the room. I don't think anyone was expecting this.

'Go on, you can look. Some of you may already know her. Come say hello, my dear wife.'

From the shadows behind him, a woman in a tight black dress comes forward. She meets Negan by the balustrade and he pulls her in for a kiss. My jaw drops.

'It's Sherry!' Alex says.

'Oh my God', I mutter.

'Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder, doesn't it, sweetheart?' Negan says to her. 'As some of you may know, Sherry, her sister and her husband- sorry, ex-husband- stole from me and ran off. Now, I don't have to tell you that that shit does not fly with me.'

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