Chapter 3

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Marinette's perspective

Getting ready for the day I changed into a pink off the shoulder shirt pairing it with blue jeans and some white converse. I put my hair up into a high ponytail and put a bit of lip gloss before grabbing my bag and phone.

With that I headed down for breakfast, my parents weren't there as they were getting things ready for the bakery

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With that I headed down for breakfast, my parents weren't there as they were getting things ready for the bakery. Sales had increased lately and they were thinking of opening a second bakery but they were still looking for a good location so they had been extra busy.

Which was a good thing as they had no idea what was going on with Lila and how my only friend was in London.

Grabbing an apple I walked to class. We had science this morning so I was excited. I was not that big a fan of the subject but I did like the teacher. Whenever Lila would go on about her famous relative she would be given detention.

Then the rest of the class would try and prove her innocent and they would get one too. Those were the days that were better than most as the class left me alone. Miss Mendilev had become my favourite teacher.

Miss Bustier and all the other teachers spent the lesson letting Lila talk about her famous life and all that.

Walking up the stairs to the school I only saw some kids who were going towards the library or were on the sports teams and were here for training.

Making my way to the Science room, Miss was there walking into the room. I took a seat at the back and pulled out my sketchbook. I had a lot of time till class started and I could sketch out a few designs for myself.

I had finished up all my commissions and just had to send them. I finished commissions that weren't needed for months, so yeah I had a lot of time.

I heard footsteps coming my way so looking up I saw Miss Mendelive, "Well done Marinette, you got a perfect 100 on your test highest score in the class" she said handing me back a test we did last class.

"Thank you miss" I replied after taking the test, I was struggling so much with this and had to ask Adrien for help seriously. How does he understand this stuff is my question.

After what felt like five minutes the bell rang and students were rushing to their classrooms.
I quickly put my sketchbook away before the class showed up and pulled out my science book, waiting for class.

Not even a moment later I saw the door open and the liar walk in first with the class following her. "Silence, you are all late everyone but Marinette will be having a detention during lunch." Miss said the class tried giving excuses but she threatened to give them a week long detention instead.

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