Chapter 1

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It was any other normal day for any other person except for Tony Stark he had just had a training exercise where there were two teams Captain America's team and Iron Man's team.

To everyone but Tony it was a training exercise but to Tony it was war. Even more so now that he had lost to a hundred year old man that was frozen in ice.

He declared a rematch but sadly everyone was too tired or had places to be so they agreed to have a rematch a month from now but there was a small problem T'challa and Thor had to return home.

So Tony had to find two people that could fight that couldn't be hard right two fighters, simply after spending a day in his lab he had found his second fighter the first being Spiderman or Peter his intern.

The second would be Ladybug, a girl that had just defeated her enemy Hawk Moth that preyed on negative emotions and turned people into monsters using a magic brooch that let him give magic to butterflies and something along those lines.

She had just defeated him alone. She would be perfect, after spending an hour finding out her identity, because surprisingly she was just as good as Peter at keeping it a secret.

He knew who she was, she was a sixteen year old girl named Marinette Dupain Cheng, she had a stellar attendance record and was at the top of her grade.

Not only that but she was well known by famous celebrities as she had designed an outfit for them.

That was exactly how he was going to get her on his team, all he needed to do now was get his private jet for Paris ready and make up an excuse to Pepper for the sudden trip.

But before that he had to tell Peter about it which was pretty simple. All he had to do was call the kid and at the right time he had just taken a break from patrol when he got the call.

All he had to do now was convince May, which could be a slight problem then again how hard could it be he was Tony Stark after all.

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