ix. aren't you special

Start from the beginning

Ashely sighed as she made her way to an empty table. She sat down and watched everyone around dance. She didn't mind much but she still wanted to dance with somebody, anyone for that matter. As she was lost in her thoughts, she didn't see Rachel make her way over and sit next to her.

"Want to dance?" The redhead stuck out her hand.

Ashely just rolled her eyes before tossing her hand into Rachel's. Rachel dragged her onto the dance floor and well as soon as they step foot, the music changed. It went from fast pace to slow. Ashely only thought it was one of Rachel's schemes— slow dancing.

She was hesitant but did it anyway. She placed her hand on Rachel's lower back while Rachel's hand was on her shoulder. They both swayed to the music. As much as she hated Rachel, this was nice. She couldn't imagine slow dancing with anyone else.

Rachel's eyes scanned the room behind Ashely as they swayed back and forth. Her eyes found Lucas' and with a smirk across her lips, she sent him a wink.

Ashely bit the inside of her cheek as some thought crossed her mind. Her dancing with Rachel only brought back memories, a sense of nostalgia. She wanted to make sure that's all it was so she dragged Rachel off the dance floor and to the girl's bathroom.

• • •

She didn't say anything at all, neither did Rachel. Rachel figured whatever she would say could ruin the moment so she didn't. She just let it all play out.

Ashely had pinned Rachel up against the wall and stared into her light brown eyes before smashing her lips onto the red head's. Rachel took no hesitation into kissing back. This is what she's been wanting. She didn't care for what reasons were behind this, she was just happy to feel Ashely's lips again. Even if it was just for that night.

As they continued to make out against the wall, eventually they pulled away to get some air. Ashely stepped back and as she did, her back hit the stall door. She was about to speak but Rachel kissed her and well if it wasn't obvious, she kissed back. Ashely hoped Rachel didn't think anything more was happening. As much as she wanted it too, she respected herself enough to not let it go that far. Which is why she pulled away again and took a breath in before speaking.

"I just needed to get that out my system." Ashely admitted.

"So how do you feel?" Rachel leaned back on the wall across from Ashely.

"Like I want to do it forever." Ashely's eyes quickly glanced down at Rachel's lips then back to her eyes, "But I can't because you fucking broke my heart."

Before Rachel could even say anything, Ashely left the bathroom back to the gym. Soon Rachel made her way back as well and well Ashley did her best to avoid Rachel for the rest of the dance. A night before nathan made an announcement that he was holding a party at his family beach house after the dance. So once 10pm hit, that's where Ashely made her way too along with everyone else at the school.

• • •

Ashely hitched a ride with her brother. Apparently him and Nathan were growing close, meaning him and Lucas were growing apart. Chad seemed like he didn't care much about that so if he didn't care, neither did she. Well, maybe just a little.

As soon as they made it to the party, they parted ways. Chad went to find his friends and Ashely went to find her's.

She ended up in the kitchen where everyone was playing never have I ever. Soon enough her brother showed up, along with Lucas and Haley. He stood next to Ashely, across from Lucas and Haley.

The game was going alright until Nathan decided to make a sly joke. It wasn't towards anybody in particular but it was easy to tell Nathan and Lucas still didn't get along quite well yet.

The game gradually came to an end and Ashely found her way up the stairs with a blue plastic cup full of whatever alcohol she was drinking. It was around her fourth cup, so she was definitely drunk. As she went up the last step, she saw Brooke sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. It was a slight struggle but she made her way over there. She plot down next to the burnette before chugging the rest of her drink.

She glanced at brooke and looked her up and down, as did brooke. Next thing they knew, they were in a bedroom making out against a wall. Brooke had just broken up with Felix so she was looking for a rebound and well Ashely was just really horny. That and she didn't want to think about anything. I mean it wouldn't be a big deal, right? Two best friends getting it on in a bedroom— doesn't sound that bad.

But then again, Brooke is really good friends with Rachel. So screwing your friends ex? Well that may come with a few consequences.

 So screwing your friends ex? Well that may come with a few consequences

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a girl's got to do what
a girl's got to do.


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