
I don't know why I've been dreading this. What is there to dread? Charlie is a nice man. Not fearsome at all. That being said, something about the way his son, Sam acted last time I saw him is making me uneasy. That family must have more to do with everything than I thought. This is making me anxious. Never before has a person been so nervous walking into their local butchers.

The bell above the door gives me a fright as it rattles in the empty shop. I've purposefully chosen to come later in the day when we're least likely to be interrupted by customers.  

At the sound of the bell, Sam comes around the corner pausing upon seeing me. He smiles kindly and, for some reason, sadly. My throat constricts with guilt for not coming earlier. 

"Hello again." He says coming through the swing door.

"Hello." I reply as I should, though I stop there not knowing what else to say.

"Please...Come in. Dad's in his office. He'll be happy to see you."

I give a nervous smile and follow him, afraid of what is going to happen today. All I remember about last time I was here was that even though I really didn't want to know the answers, I couldn't help but ask. 

"Dad...Nina's here."  

I brace myself for the impending kindness I don't really deserve.

"Nina, come on in!" The booming voice of Charlie calls out. I tentatively follow the voice into the office seeing the large mustached man sitting in his chair with a cup of tea in one hand and a newspaper in the other. He looks up and cocks his head to the side with a sad smile.

"There she is..." he says in as gentle a tone as possible. "Come and have a sit. Cuppa?"

"Love one." I smile, sitting down. I obviously get no hug this time.

"Almost time for it to be fortified isn't it?" he asks, looking at his watch. I smile at this.

"Must be five o'clock somewhere." 

"It must be." he chuckles, shaking a bottle.


"Sure." I smile, already relaxing despite myself. "I, um, snuck you in some contraband." I slide a takeaway box towards him, a big slice of lemon syrup cake nestled inside. His moustache tilts upwards and he opens the box. 

"Good on you girl. Haven't had a slice of cake since Addie's last one. The old cholesterol levels a bit tetchy these days."

"Ah...then enjoy the cake while you can. It'll be nothing but celery for you next time."

He smiles sliding the tea towards me and the cake towards himself. 

"As long as it's deep fried, it doesn't bother me." he says. I laugh at this and sip my tea, blinking hard at it's intensity.

"Single malt." he tells me. "Designed to put gravel in your voice and hair on your chest."

"Right." I cough. "Good thing I like being single."

He lets out a loud laugh and takes a mouthful himself still chuckling as he does.

"So, Nina." he finally sighs, leaning back. "Heard about the Oxford. Tragic business that...and just after you bought it. Poor gal. You must be absolutely weathered." 

I nod slowly, guessing the word 'weathered' is similar to the meaning of wrecked. 

"Yes. I'm learning as I go...I'll know if it's all been worth it at the end I suppose."

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