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Perspective Update: Seeing Brigitte Lindholm

Location: Overwatch HQ Watchpoint Gibraltar.

A small cooling drop wanders around the edge of my chin. It rests there for an instant, pondering on when to depart ways with me. The need for frequent breaths of fresh air hardens a stoic grip around the hilt of the weapon, while my mind strives to predict every potential outcome.

From time to time I ask myself: What drives our actions? Is it our hearts? Our wisdom? Souls? Or even something entirely different.

Will I be able to understand that rush inside me? To finally put a name to that fuel that ignites every inch of my body with the sole purpose of taking every day as an opportunity to prove myself, to become a better....

A better what? Isn't that the question of the day.

I guess that's why I love training. In every battle, there are a few breaks that define the fine line between peace or conflict, and it is precisely in those elusive moments when I can think clearer.

Their physical resemblance is uncanny. Their white, lifeless, metallic skeletons echoed with every step they take. I raised my shield in order to stop their purple energy blasts.

The simulations of NullSector omnics in front of me weren't as persistent as the ones I fought back in Paris, although they surely know how to pose a challenge. The components of their new armor were different from what I've seen before, and definitely unlike anything Papa used to forge for them.

The flail disconnected from the handle, after replicating the same arm sequence that Reinhardt and I have trained so many times before. Despite what most people think, the strongest element of my weapon design isn't the striking-metal-head and the end of it, or the handle core. It's the steel chain that connects it all.

Innovation breaks boundaries when details emerge as top priority for scientist, researchers, and even mechanical engineers like myself. Seems so far away now, but when I started to secretly design and work on my armor, behind Reinhardt's back, I never felt truly alone. The glacial reply that metal undoubtedly has when clashing against tools old as time always accompanied me.

A short but honest giggle put a wide smile on my face. In all these years of technological advancement, there isn't anything that can replace a sturdy hammer and a welder.

I knew everything about the steel chain to the point of believing in it as an extension of my arm.

Even as far as developing a sense of identity for each little link, to recognize and appreciate their reach, their imperfections, their strength.

The result was the expected for the drill exercise. Nulltrooper after Nulltrooper kept dismantling in several pieces after being struck by the rocket flail. The cloth was heavy and soaking wet after wiping clean the sweat on my face while waiting for the second batch of Nulltroopers simulations to emerge.

I frequently repeat Reinhardt's words inside my head "Live with Honor, Die with Glory." A lesson to live by, that perfectly fits the sense of responsibility that defines a German Crusader from the First Omnic Crisis, like the man I decided to aid in his valiant crusade, as his squire.

But what is honor? Is it possible to reach that level of virtue? 

Will it be achievable in an organization like Overwatch? That, back in the day, and even now, has extremely kind-hearted members such as Lena, Winston, and Angela, whom was a close friend of my parents since I was a child.

Then again, why did it take Winston to make the Recall: the forgotten backup program to re-establish Overwatch? Winston, a member who only experienced the last years of Overwatch glory, before their disgraceful disbandment.

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