Chapter 5: Wild Roses

Start from the beginning

The head designer let out a laugh as she watched Huxley scowl. "She's right, Foret." Eos spoke out as she hunched down to carefully lace up Sera's dress. "Seraphine's meeting got pushed back, remember?" She added. Huxley reluctantly nodded. He knew but he still had some anxiety of getting on President Snow's bad side. Up until now, he worked hard to lead a quiet and unimpressive life as a victor. He wanted the same for Sera.

"...Word around the town is that a...certain former victor was called in for a meeting." Harp coyly stated in a low sing-song voice. Huxley, Emilia and Sera snapped to stare at the small bird-like woman. Her beak-like mouth grinned. "Interesting, isn't it." Sera nodded. "Well, if anyone wants to know; It was Finnick Odair." No one reacted to that. Sera was the only one who seemed a little curious and she hid it well. There was no point listening to idle gossip for the young victor.

Harp finished adding the final touches to the shoes and handed them to Eos who quickly slid the heels under Sera. The stringed strap of the shoes wrapped around her legs, stopping just close to her knees. It was again a little too high for Sera to walk in.

Emilia moved quickly to grab a hold of the young victor to steady her. Carefully, Emilia let go of Sera as the young victor took a few steps around her room. Eos motioned for her to walk around a bit more to 'break in' the heels as Eos had said before. Small clicks echoed throughout the room as Sera walked around for what felt like hours. It was only ten minutes.

"I think you're done." Rietta beamed as she slowly backed off.

"Yeah...She is done." Eos confirmed gently handing Sera's hand to Emilia and Huxley. The two managed to grab onto Sera before she had a mishap. It was unlikely but there was no saying.

The stylist team moved quickly to fix any last minute imperfections and do a quick scan of the young victor. Eos gestured Sera to do a little spin. Reluctantly, the fifteen year old victor did a small spin then stopping.

The team nodded at each other then nodding at Sera.

They moved to pack up their things being helped by a couple of avoxes. Emilia and Eos chatted away on the side while Rietta and Harp quietly laughed among themselves about something. Seeing everyone busy among themselves, Huxley led Sera to the living room.

Sera's high heels clicked against the marble floors as Sera walked beside Huxley in the halls leading to the living room. Neither spoke a word. They both liked it that way. Huxley lit the fireplace while they took the same seats as the night before. He grabbed two random books from the bookshelf nearby and handed one to Sera.

She smiled gratefully as she opened the book and scanned the almost new-like book. The pages and the cover itself looked untouched. Of course, it would be. Who would read when they have to fight to the death?

Outside it was getting darker. The sun had long set. The sky was now a cocktail of a dark blue, lavender and a soft black. An hour had passed in a blink of an eye as the two passed it in serene silence.

Sera sat up when she heard someone pulling something. Her attention snapped to the halls opposite her. From the dimly lit corridors, she could barely see Rietta and Harp as they led the way to the exit through the living room.

Eos waved as she walked past Huxley and Sera. Huxley ignored everything around him but Sera smiled and waved back. The stylist team was ushered into the reception area behind Sera by Emilia who happily led the team to the exit.

The two heard the team along with Emilia leave. Sera turned to Huxley with a look of determination. "Is there anything, I should know? Any last advice?" Sera questioned. Her hands shook a little.

"Just be careful to watch what you say. That's all." Huxley answered without looking up.

"That's all?" Sera echoed.

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