chapter 3 - Dancing with the hosts. Welcome Yuri.

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"I don't have to attend do I? It has nothing to do with my quota right?" I asked. I should've known that it was a stupid thing to say.

"Why of course you have to go! Your a member of the Host Club, which means... you must master the art of dancing the waltz by the end of the week, otherwise I'll tell the whole school that your a girl. 


"I'll be glad to teach you Haruhi, it will be daddy's pleasure." Said Tamaki as my previous customer tapped me on the shoulder. Kanako Kasugazaki, the girl with the 'host hopping disease.'

"No need Tamaki." He shrunk away to his corner since she WAS his customer, but today became mine.

"I can teach Haruhi myself, every girl would love to help her favourite host." Kanako smiled and tilted her head to the side pleadingly.

"Um, ok thank you. I appreciate it." I then returned her smile.

----------------------------------------------------time skip---------------------------------------------------------------

"I'm exhausted." I said as I flopped onto the couch, it's been a week since I joined the host club and it still tires me out. I still need to speak to Yuri aswell.


"Welcome." The door once again opened as the others greeted a guest.

"I'm sorry, but bussiness hours are over." Said Kyoya-senpai.

"I'm not one of your customers, the teacher told me to bring these up to you both, she said that they were the new magazine picture books you ordered." Said a familiar voice, I turned around to see that it was Yuri I'd heard.

"Ah yes. Please just put them on the table." Said Kyoya-senpai once again, except this time he seemed a bit colder. I turned to my left to see that Tamaki-senpai, Hikaru and Kaoru were all hiding behind the couch beside me.

"He's not that scary guys, why are yu hiding?" I asked simply.

"What do you mean he's terrifying" Said Hikaru.

"Yeah why would we want to be over there with him if over here we are perfectly safe?" Said Kaoru.

"Remember Haruhi, although I admit he seems ok, he's really the devil. I mean LOOK!" I turned around to see that Yuri was carrying six boxes of those thick magazine books.

"Wow." The three boys glared at me and then back to Yuri.

"Can you stop staring at me please? It's becoming irritating." Said Yuri with his normal blank faced expression.

"GOMENSAI!" Shouted the three boys from behind the couch.

"Whatever. This is the lot, she said that next weeks ones would turn up on Monday." Said Yuri.

"Alright thank you, we appreciate the help." Said Kyoya slightly nicer.

"No problem, it wasn't a big deal I was bored anyway." As Yuri started to open the door I lost my patience.

"Yuri!" I yelled. Shocked he slowly turned to my direction, but quickly reverted back to his emotionless state.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Um... can I talk to you outside please?" I can't believe that I did that. Well... no going back now.

"Sure. Quickly though I haven't got all day." He said firmly.

Yuri's POV.

We walked out of the room and Haruhi began to speak.

"Um... first off I wanted to say thanks for not telling anyone that I'm a girl." she said, kind of nervous, which was completely uncharacteristic of her.

(OHSHC)HiddenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora