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The sun was slowly rising behind her back, shining into his eyes, which weren't black at all, but a very dark, warm brown which made her feel all tingly inside.

The Shadow Summoner was still sprawled out on the sand, his tattered clothes were starting to dry, the wound in his shoulder was still seeping blood and his dark hair was sprawled out around his head beautifully.

Slowly, he lifted his left, his good arm and laid his hand over hers where it rested on the spot where is chest was bared underneath his black shirt. The feeling was so enthralling. Both of them so close, touching.

He opened his mouth and though he was so weak, his voice was strong and like black silk on her skin, smooth and deep, but also with an underlying tone that she did not expect, which was young, almost boyish.

"Did you save me?", he asked.

Alina's hair was flowing in the wind and she tried very hard to look calm, but the nervousness rendered her mute.

Underwater, they used a different language, strange to human ears, but they also learned Ravkan which they practiced with their voices above the surface in air filled underwater caves to test how they would sound in the human world.

She gave him a small smile and was still thinking about what to say or how to explain what had happened, when he lifted his head a little and looked down at himself, at his wound, his clothes, their intertwined hands ... and her fins.

A small groan escaped his throat and he dropped his head again, the energy seeping out from his injured shoulder through his limbs and into the sand, exhaustion taking over.

Still, he smiled. At her. "Mermaid.", is the last thing he whispers before his eyes close on their own accord, his grip on her hand and his features going slack and his head tipping to the side. Lost to the world once more.

She desperately wished she had said something. Told him her name. Asked him his.

Now, she knew it was time to leave him, because she could hear the village awakening and a group of people coming closer, their voices carried over by the breeze. A search party? His Grisha friends?

She feared they could mistake the situation for her being the one who hurt him.

So, with a heavy heart and one last look at her General's unguarded, handsome face, she withdrew. Into the shallow water and behind a nearby rock. Waiting, hoping they would find him soon to help him.

And sure enough, a couple of minutes later, she saw people in colourful keftas walking onto the beach. She was able to identify Ivan and Fedyor among the group, who both darted towards their General once they spotted him. The group instantly starting to fuss over him and she could only hope he'd be alright. He was so out of it, he won't remember her, she was sure.

So she abandoned her spot behind the rock and finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she submerged into the depth, her home, which now felt strange and alien to her, making her way to the castle.


Os Kervo

A very large and bulky healer was walking down the narrow hall of an Inn near the harbour.

In his arms was the General, sprawled out over his arms like a rag-doll, his head tipped back, falling over the crook of one arm. His legs and arms dangling helplessly, swaying with each step the healer took.

The giant tried to be gentle, to not jostle the injured man too much. They had stabilized him on the beach, but he needed warmth and rest. He was in no condition to travel yet, so they opted for staying near the coast, extending their stay at the Inn.

Ivan and Fedyor were trailing behind the large man, both looking tired and worn from last nights events. But also glad to still have each other and now also their General back.

General Morozova, a descendant from Saint Ilya. The Darkling. What a ridiculous moniker, Fedyor thought. Made up by simple villagers who trembled at the sight of him and his powers.

Ivan pushed past the healer and opened the door to one of the rooms, letting the him and his cargo through so the the man could lay the General on the bed, remove his clothes and start working on him again, making him as comfortable as possible.

Ivan and Fedyor both stood near the bed, watching the procedures, both noticing the feverish glow of the General's cheeks and the perspiration which had started to form along his hairline, making his fringes curl. His breathing picked up, his lips parted and the Shadow Summoner mumbled one word: "Mer... m'rmaid."

"He did NOT just say mermaid?" Fedyor squeaked.

"Why? He may have seen one out there." Ivan replied.

"Maybe, but unlikely. How strange, Ivan. Only this morning, I received some news from the Fjerdan boarder. Rumors, mostly. But... apparently, they plan to attack the merpeople's castle to claim the underwater King's trident."

Ivan's eyes went wide.

"THE trident? The incredibly powerful amplifier they had tried to steal once before along with Baghra as their leader, who was punished for it by the Mer-king and was basically turned into a giant octopus? She IS the only Grisha, aside from the General perhaps, who is strong enough to wield the trident... their plan was to overtake the rule on the Grisha in Ravka. Fjerda would get the land, Baghra would get the Grisha. Win-Win. Ugh. They are going to pull the whole thing again and here lies our General, her SON and murmurs 'mermaid'?" Ivan slumped down in a chair.

Fedyor laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Afraid so..."

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