🎧 That's A Little Fruity

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🎧 (2154 words)

"Those 1B kids are something else." Kaminari was sitting on my bed beside me, kicking his feet a bit over the edge. He and Kirishima had infiltrated my room early the morning after the joint training session with Class 1B. By early, I mean 9am-ish.

"For real," Kirishima agreed with Kaminari. "Tetsutetsu is a ball, but he's as loud as Bakubro without even trying."

"At least Bakugou knows what an inside voice is. He just doesn't like using it." My comment got a laugh out of both the boys.

"Speaking of Bakugou, he's really grown. I'm really proud of him." Kirishima was sitting on a bean bag I had in the corner of my room. He was playing on his phone, kinda just here cause Kaminari was here and Bakugou was off doing whatever he was doing. Probably messing with Midoriya or out exercising.

Kaminari and I both nodded. The electric blond was hooking up the guitar so he could play. That was mostly why he was in here. To mess with my instruments.

"That was some teamwork you guys had. I'm impressed. Monoma was losing his shit about it though." Kaminari strummed the guitar once it was plugged in to test it. It was a little loud, so he turned it down and began working on tuning.

"He kicked me though..." Kaminari and Kirishima laughed again.

"Hey, better than letting you get injured by Kamakiri. That guy's blades looked sharp as hell." I agreed as Kirishima bit into a granola bar. He had a stash of those in his room, but nobody could ever find them. And sometimes it felt like he just pulled them out of thin air, like Midoriya did sometimes with his notebook.

"He could've gone easy on that girl though. He really beat her into the ground. It was hard to watch, kinda like his fight with Ura-"

"Shut the fuck up, Kaminari." The door swung open and Bakugou stood on the other side. He stomped into the room, slamming the door behind him. But someone caught the door with their foot.

"Dios mio, Bakugou!" Sero cursed as they pushed the door open and followed him inside, limping a bit to not put pressure on their now injured foot. Bakugou paid no mind to Sero, crossing the room to Kirishima. He snapped his fingers at him, making hand signs for the redhead to get up. He did and Bakugou took his place in the bean bag. Kirishima sat on the floor beside him, knowing he was too angry about something to try sitting on his lap like he normally did.

"What have I told you guys? Pink cheeks isn't fucking frail, and neither is that lizard chic. They're strong as hell, and telling me I should have gone easy on them is an insult to them! They deserve real competition, not some half-assed bullshit! Real villains won't hold back. Doesn't matter what fucking gender you are! You got that?"

Everyone in the room nodded. Kaminari sort of lowered the guitar in his hands and he stopped tuning. Sero stood by the door sort of awkwardly, and when Mina went to try and come in, they turned and made a sort of hand signal to tell her that Bakugou wasn't in the mood. I saw her nod as she slipped inside. I let out a long sigh, which received a pair of narrowed eyes in my direction from the explosive blond.

"So uh... everyone feeling okay after yesterday's matches?" Kirishima received a few head nods. "I could have done a lot better, but you guys were awesome."

"What the fuck was up with Midobro though?" It was Denki's turn to get glared at. "I'm just sayin'! That black stuff was weird as hell! I got scared!"

"I think we all did, amigo. That was... something else for sure." Sero took a seat in front of my bed and Mina sat behind them on the bed, immediately getting to work on messing with their hair. She'd said a long time ago that Sero's hair was just fun to play with, mostly cause it was long enough to do cool hairstyles with. And our Latino friend didn't mind at all.

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