🦎 Post Joint Training

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🦎 (2544 words)

"Tokage!" I turned to the voice that had called out my name. Kendou was walking towards me and as she got closer, she raised her hand. I knew she was offering a high five but I couldn't put in the proper energy for it. I lightly high fived the big sister of Class 1B and she gave a small frown. "Hey, don't be so down. You did amazing out there."

"Amazing? Kendou, we lost in less than five minutes, 0-4. That seems like the biggest defeat ever." Kendou sighed at my pessimism and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Lighten up a bit, 'kay?" She patted my shoulder a bit, then rubbed my back in the hug. Kendou's body warmth made me feel better and way safer. The counter to the cold air was nice and made me feel a little less tired. "It's just a training exercise. Their team was impossibly good anyways."

After a few moments, I nodded my head. I was glad nobody was making You should have gone easy on her because she's a girl comments like they did with Uraraka after the Sports Festival. Bakugou was tough on me during today's training, but how else are you supposed to grow? I've always loved a challenge, I just didn't expect such a horrible defeat. Monoma's pep talk beforehand had me so fired up, and now that fire was just an ember.

"Vlad's right. I do need to work on my adaptability skills."

"Well, you know better for next time." Kendou pulled away from the hug and had both hands on my shoulders. "Take a deep breath, reassess the situation, and use that genius brain of yours to think of a new gameplan." I nodded my head, then turned as the final match began.

This match was by far the craziest. With that black stuff that came out of Midoriya, it was hard to keep up. But instead of getting disinterested, everyone got way more invested. All chatter stopped and everyone was holding their breaths, waiting for something tragic to happen.

I happened to catch a glimpse of the blond who had completely pummeled me earlier. Even he was staring at the screens, almost more intensely than everyone else. Curiously, I moved closer to him. It was then that I noticed he was only paying attention to the screens Midoriya was on, a small scowl on his face. He didn't look invested. He looked pissed.

The match ended with the final and overall victories going to Class 1A. When the groups got back, Midoriya was interrogated on his quirk and what happened. Everyone could tell he was hiding something, but he wasn't pressed on the matter and the subject was... sort of dropped. Everyone went back to their groups, talking about their matches or just random things, as teenagers do. Some were praising others for how well they did. Others were reassuring those who lost, telling them that they'd do better next time for sure.

The buses brought us all back to the dorms and on the way back, both classes decided to just continue hanging out with each other for the day. Honenuki, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki were talking together, so I decided to join their conversation as the classes split up into different groups to chatter away.

"You three did amazing out there!" Yaoyorozu praised as I approached the group. "I wish I could have been able to represent the recommended students better."

"Are you kidding? You were on fire too! I got defeated so quickly." I gave a small huff and Honenuki put his hand on my shoulder.

"Bakugou is a tough opponent. With or without a team, his win streak is unbroken so far, save from the first training session he did against Midoriya and Uraraka. Even going up against All-Might during the exams with Midoriya, he ended up winning. So don't hold the loss to heart." I nodded at Todoroki's words. I didn't realize he'd won a match against All-Might. That... was way impressive, and it did make me feel better.

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